Hello from Canada

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Jan 3, 2013
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The title says it all,

About me:

I live in south Saskatchewan, I usually make my wines from scratch though I do make kits when given to me. My favorite is strawberry. I currently have a Savignon blanc (kit/given to me) and a Borollo (my father is using my stuff and place to make his). I have been making wines on and off for about 8 years without much in the way of trouble.
Hi Forgetthegrape

Welcome to winemakingtalk
Howdy from a former Regina resident. Where in South Sask?

hello from Medicine Hat, formerly from around Assiniboia. Good to have you. Great little forum here. Hope you enjoy.
Im in Assiniboia now. I was in northern MB for a bit and come originally from Vancouver, BC.
Do you prefer the rains of Vancouver or the snows of Saskatchewan? I imagine that you have quite a bit of snow right now. At least that's what our friends in Regina are telling us.

Do you prefer the rains of Vancouver or the snows of Saskatchewan? I imagine that you have quite a bit of snow right now. At least that's what our friends in Regina are telling us.


You can not put enough clothes on in Vancouver to stay warm at 10C but here a t-shirt, shorts and maybe socks are all thats really needed until -10C

We dont have as much snow, you have to understand that regina is in a very different weather zone than Assiniboia. Regina and Weyburn are in the same zone, but here we are part of the Coronach to Gravelburg zone. Though the whole south may call for sun and a general temp, it varries so much that the weather guys have started putting more internet based reporting stations. Moose Jaw is ony 100kms away yet we can be as much as 10C diffierence.

but thanks for the welcome