greetings from mi

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Senior Member
Sep 29, 2012
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hello for years winemaking has been an interest of mine but only recently have i actually extended my hand with the aid of a book by jeff cox from vines to wines.
just pressed 275 lbs. 115 lbs cabernet franc crushed, still on the skins, probably will press tomorrow. 50 lbs reisling pressed sitting unfermented airtight in the fridge; waiting for after the jewish holiday of the booths when citrons will be plentiful, i want to make a reisling citron honey mead, then freeze distill it to hopefully at least double the abv. also 120 lbs of a small blue grape variety which the farmer (viticulturist?) told me is used to make white wine, i cant recall the actual name now (i thought he said greis something but i cant find it on his list of available varieties varieties.html
and a small unknown purple grape; came to the vineyard and was planted by accident, only 10 lbs grew. doesnt taste like any grape i tried, very flavorful like a blackberry. i have that sitting on the skins now and waiting to be pressed.

my name is sholom, ill save the questions i have for a new thread

peace and blessings
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Sholomy, welcome the forum. It really sounds like you are going to be busy. Glad to have you aboard and I will be interested to know what the unknown grape is when you identify it.
thanks everyone.

rocky there are 2 unknown grapes one could probably be identified by someone knowledgeable from the link i posted above. i fixed the link. its a list of all varieties available at the vineyard i went to. its a small bluish berry used to make white wine.
the other i dont have any idea. mr taylor who tends to vineyard said the nursery sent him something he didnt order. he planted it with the whites and out came a purple berry. only 20 lbs grew. he himself has no idea what it is. its a grape and it tastes like a blackberry thats all i know.
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Welcome to the great forum. I have only been here a couple weeks but there are a bunch of friendly and wise people here. Where about in MI are you? I'm in the metro D area.
Welcome to the great forum. I have only been here a couple weeks but there are a bunch of friendly and wise people here. Where about in MI are you? I'm in the metro D area.

also in the metro d. southfield to be precise.
Welcome to the forum.

The small blue grape used to make whites is probably Frontenac Gris. It is more of a grayish purple than a true blue like regular Frontenac, but in all other aspects is culturally the same. While they don't list Frontenac Gris specifically, I suspect they carry that also as most nurseries have them both. There is also Frontenac Blanc which makes a true white wine. They were all developed at the University af Minnesota, although the Blanc version was discovered at a couple places about the same time. Here is a link to them:
welcome sholomy and bchoate, from another metro detroiter...over here in macomb....hope you enjoy the
Actually I'm a rebeginer. Been about 5 or ten years since I made wine. Guess its in my blood. I couldn't just do it small I jumped back in with both feet!!!! 15 gls of merlot going right now in secondary.
Welcome to the forum.

The small blue grape used to make whites is probably Frontenac Gris. It is more of a grayish purple than a true blue like regular Frontenac, but in all other aspects is culturally the same. While they don't list Frontenac Gris specifically, I suspect they carry that also as most nurseries have them both. There is also Frontenac Blanc which makes a true white wine. They were all developed at the University af Minnesota, although the Blanc version was discovered at a couple places about the same time. Here is a link to them:

you're brilliant! now i remember youre spot on its the frontenac gris. i remembered gris but since i didnt see it on his online list i couldnt place it.
welcome sholomy and bchoate, from another metro detroiter...over here in macomb....hope you enjoy the

the way the board is set up i cant just say thanks; too few characters so thank you
sholomy said:
as a kosher wine maker thats not an option for me. i need to juice the grapes myself plus wheres the romance in buying a kit?
I can relate. My GF is Jewish so I understand. The California store on Fort St also sell grapes.
how fresh are the grapes? the farm i went to is about a 3 hour drive each way its not so bad once a year and i love the idea of vine fresh grapes. one day god willing i'll have my own vineyard.