green tomato wine

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Aug 8, 2010
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I have a bunch of green tomatos. I heard I could make wine out of them. HAs anyone tried? If so, do you recommend it or have a good recipie?
i've made it. tastes good for about a year or so. almost like lemonade. after that, the tomato flavor starts to show up more.
I heard the same JC, just make some salsa out of it or something. A couple years ago, I convinced my neighbor to pickle a bunch of his green ones, I am willing to bet they turned out better than making ine with them. But give it a shot and let us know.
I made tomato wine for the first time but it is not tasty some one help me Thank you
Doesn't Jack Keller have a recipe for everything?

Pretty darned close.
i wish that Google had been around before he lost all the recipes (he mentions it on the site), so there would have been a cache. i work at an internet service provider and have saved sites that way when they got deleted accidentally.