Glass Beads

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Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
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I have seen a few people mention the use of glass beads in their carboys to take up the dead volume. Can anyone recommend a source for these beads?

pet shops will have stuff you can use also that are made to be decorative in aquariums but they will be a little more expensive.
I got mine at

They were not cheap. 100 for $5. But that said they are MADE IN THE USA. If you really want to trust your $125 kit and hours and hours of labor to $0.99 marbles made in China with the history they have with children's toys and less than shall we say "safe ingredients" go for it.........
Hey Guys...
Are they a pain to get out of your carboy... and to clean up????
When not in use, I keep my glass marbles in a small plastic pail with a tight-fitting lid. Before I seal them up, I spritz them with K-meta so they're ready to use when I need them.
I use glass chips that I purchased on ebay. I have several 6.5 gallon carboys and it does takes a lot of chips to raise the level up to the top of my carboy. But, I like this much better then adding water or wine.

When it is time to rack the wine, I just gently push my Auto-Siphon down through the chips until the siphon hits the bottom of carboy. As far as getting them out of the carboy, I just dump them into a stainless steel colander. I give them a quick wash in Oxiclean and then santize them. Works great.

Thanks guys!!!
I will have to give them a try... It looks like more 6-1/2 gall carboys in my wine room!!!!