First Batch of Quad Berry

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Is this normal looking?!?! This is about 4 1/2 hours after pitching yeast.

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Totally normal looking...for now. But soon, SOON I TELL YOU...there will be fruity foamy goodness frothing at the mouth of the bucket and threatening to soil your entire room!!! :<

Ok, maybe its not THAT violent, but this stuff does foam up quite a bit so you will end up having to clean up some spillover considering how full your bucket is. I did too. No biggie, just be prepared.
I have already taken measures to handle that. I have a towel down under it to catch the spillage. Keeps my wife from killing me. Lol
I'm starting to get a little worried. It has been 31 hours since I pitched the yeast and nothing. The specific gravity hasn't changed any and there is not any foam on top!! Am I worrying for no reason? Please say that I am!! This stuff tastes too good for it not to ferment!!

I'm starting to get a little worried. It has been 31 hours since I pitched the yeast and nothing. The specific gravity hasn't changed any and there is not any foam on top!! Am I worrying for no reason? Please say that I am!! This stuff tastes too good for it not to ferment!!

Believe it or not, mine took nearly 10 DAYS to begin fermenting. I think my basement was a bit cold. I put it on the back porch for the weekend in 100 F temps and when I came home it was bubbling like crazy. It's done now and tastes pretty darn good. Long story short, may need to warm up the pee.
Just hope that you don't have to flush the pee....

Haha couldn't resist :)
Well, I gave my berries a squeeze, checked the specific gravity, and gave it a good stirring last night. This morning, it had a nice foam cap and sounded like a bowl of rice Krispies!!! :D I guess that was all it needed!!!
Yeah! My wife laughed when I told her I was "going to squeeze my berries." I noticed a quite a but if yeast in the bag of berries.
Checked my pee last night and the gravity is down to 1.060!! It is foaming like crazy now!!! :D
Congrats, Marc! I knew you'd get it going! It looks perfect. Sometimes you just have to squeeze those berries to get the party started! Works for me anyways! ;)

My wife gets a real kick out of me "squeezing my berries", too. She always giggles.
Yep! All it takes is a squeeze of my berries and that's when the fun begins!! I squeezed the pee out of them today!! :)
Checked my batch today and the specific gravity was 1.016. If that keeps up, it will be done by tomorrow. That is 6 days to ferment dry with 2 of those days having no activity at all!!!!! I think that is pretty impressive!! If I do say so myself. I think it will not only catch up to my batch of pee, but I think it will be ready to drink before the first batch!
Yeah, this stuff ferments much faster than normal pee. Just remember it will taste green for a few weeks.
Yes sir!!! The majority of it won't be consumed until October. That is when we are having our little zombie party! :D
Checked again today. It's starting to slow down now. It was at 1.001, so it should be finished tomorrow. Then it won't be long and I'll be drinking it!!!!