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May 19, 2011
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well I guess I have lurked here long enough. I have read alot here over the last year or so and finally decided to join in on the fun:b
I have been making wines for about 3-4 years.
This will be my second year for Skeeter Pee (Thanks Lon). I made about 25 gal of SP last year and over wintered some in the basement and it is still great, but about gone, so have more brewing now.
I am gonna try to post a pic in the SP section
Winebreath welcome and glad you are no longer lurking. Care to share what wines you have made although skeeter pee is really awesome.

Sure you know all that we have on here and want to remind everyone about the map we have on the home page. Go ahead and pin yourself. It's fun to check out where some of you folks are.

Again you need not be specific for security reasons but at least the city or town.

Again thanks for checking in, great to have you here.
Winebreath welcome and glad you are no longer lurking. Care to share what wines you have made although skeeter pee is really awesome.

Sure you know all that we have on here and want to remind everyone about the map we have on the home page. Go ahead and pin yourself. It's fun to check out where some of you folks are.

Again you need not be specific for security reasons but at least the city or town.

Again thanks for checking in, great to have you here.

Thanks for the welcomes.
Living out in the country and I farm so I am always looking for native fruits and berries to make my wines.
Lot's of elderberries and sandplums. We also have fruit trees and my favorite is SantaRosa Plum....makes an awsome wine. We just sarted a small grape vineyard with about a dozen plants so in a few years we may have grapes.
I also like to brew some beer but as of now am just using the kits.
Also gonna start making some soda pop for the grandkids.
