Other Filtration question.

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Aug 20, 2015
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Newbie question,

How Important is it to filter red wine kits with an actually filter machine? (Vino jet)

Can a rookie get by by racking several times?

Like I said. Newbie question.


Racking is pretty effective. Time is effective, as well. I have not filtered any wines in the three+ years I have been making them.

That said, there are lots of folks who can speak to the benefits of filtering.

When you get folks on both sides of a subject, it's a good thing, because it usually means there's no clear cut answer. :)

Just to clear this topic up and give the definitive answer...

Filter or don't, its up to you.

I guess we dont have alot of information from you-

How long has the kit been aging prior to bottling ?
Or better yet - when did you start the kit ?

What type of kit is it ?
Hey vacumpumpman,

It's a Grenache/Syrah CC winery series that's been bulk aging since July 20.

I've racked it 3 times since secondary but I still see a fair bit of sediment in the bottom of my carboy.


Just let it settle. It might take couple of months, but the filtering is not necessary. You can also do egg white fining to remove the mist. Cold stabilisation will help as well.

At my winery I don't do any filtering at all (waiting about a year to do the bottling) and I do fining to only white wines. You will always get some sediment at the bottle, but I don't view this as a problem.
Hey vacumpumpman,

It's a Grenache/Syrah CC winery series that's been bulk aging since July 20.

I've racked it 3 times since secondary but I still see a fair bit of sediment in the bottom of my carboy.



@ Mike

How clear is the wine ? To filter is to polish the wine not to try and make it clear.
I would let it sit and settle out on its own, but if you absolutely need to bottle it, then your only alternative is to filter it and hope for the best.

It's actually looking really clear and I have all the time in the world.

I'll take everyone's advice and just let it settle on its own. I'll most likely bottle around Xmas.

From my last taste test I think this on might need some extra time. A bit twangy

Filtering a white wine really makes a difference, I have filtered both white and red, on the red I really don't see a huge benefit compared to reds I didn't filter.