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Oct 3, 2011
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What is an inexpensive way to filter my wine? I have a Pinot Grigio that is clear but it has like tiny crystals floating in it. What can I do?
Wouldn't the crystals be on the bottom and not in suspension? The most inexpensive filter is the Vinbrite.
Cold stabilize and rerack after the crystals have settled out. If that does not work then try and find a wine filter you like. I have not used the Vinbrite model my self, so do not know the ins and outs of them.
Wouldn't the crystals be on the bottom and not in suspension? The most inexpensive filter is the Vinbrite.

Mike they can be suspended. Often times when cleaning carboy or fermentation buckets you'll see them attached to the sides of the vessals also. C02 can also keep them in suspension.
Is this from grapes or juice bocket? If this is a kit I highly doubt its wine diamonds unless its a RJS EP kit or another manufacturers eqyuivalent!!! Any kits lower then that dont really drop this. The Vinbrite filter works but its slow. I have one (dont use it anymore only because I have a vacuum pump + whole house filtration set up now) but it takes about 45 minutes to filter 6 gallons. If you go this route make sure to keep the racking cane away from any sediment until the very last second and only buy the pads and not the paper filters!
I've heard Vinbrite is slow. I've never used the one I got in my beginners kit. I use the whole house system. He was looking for something inexpensive.
What is the whole house system? I do have a vacuum pump. This is a kit a WE. This is my only kit so far that has giving me any problems.
It is a set up you would use to filter sediment in your houses water system. Here is a picture of mine which I mounted under my counter top out of the way. You just insert this unit between the 2 carboys.

Filter 1.jpg
Really cool. Do you change the filter every time you rack? I will be heading to home depot today. What micron filter do you use?
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You can get the housing most places buit they are much much more expensive there and I dont think they carry good filters there. I get my stuff from Filtersfast. I use a 1 micron for whites and 5 for reds. Here is the link below.
These filters are good forr 1000's of gallons if your wine is clear when you filter which it should be. I freeze mine after use but you can also build a PVC capsule and store your filters in a kmeta/citric acid solution.
You can get the housing most places buit they are much much more expensive there and I dont think they carry good filters there. I get my stuff from Filtersfast. I use a 1 micron for whites and 5 for reds. Here is the link below.
These filters are good forr 1000's of gallons if your wine is clear when you filter which it should be. I freeze mine after use but you can also build a PVC capsule and store your filters in a kmeta/citric acid solution.

Thanks for the info Wade. I'm thinking of getting this filter system instead of the Minijet. Is there anything else you would need?
Wade found great prices! I ordered a housing and filters last week, but as luck would have it, my housing was out of stock. I was told it would ship today. guess I will play with the new toys next weekend.
You will need 2 nylon fittings to attach to each side of that housing and they can be bought at Ace Hardware. They are called nyl 3/8 x 1/4 hose barb and the part # on them is 53701-0604 the 3/8 part is threaded end and this fits a 5/16' standard racking hose nice and tight. If you have a 3/8' racking hose (ID) you may need a hose clamp on each end but probably nogt as it still fits pretty tight.
I have been using that company for a number of years now and have always had great luck with their filters and housings. I had gotten a filter from Company A and it was a great filter, but cost about 4 times as much. I said their has to be a cheaper place, so I took the number off the filter and searched away. I found this company and got a number of filters for the same price as 1 from Company A. I got a variety and I can course filter, fine filter and almost sterile filter with the .45 micron one. 3 times the money and it is a papery filter, but it works well. When Wade asked me what I use, I sent him there.
I bought a couple of spares from them and a mounting bracket, plus I bought replacement water filters for my refrigerator.
Yep, Rich aka Grapeman turned me on to this whole vacuum pump thing many years ago and I still owe him many parts of my body for doing so as I can assure you if not for this set up I would not be doing this anymore after wrecking my back.
Just want to make sure I am right about these things. Are these water filters for your sink?

Also when do you filter? after you kill the yeast and clear right before bottling??