Filtering wine

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You could easily install an air release by going to the hard ware store and buying a petcock or 3 way valve for this exact situation.
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your right no air release hmmm, can anybody suggest a good filter thats worked for them, out of sears, ace, lowes, homedepot...yada yada, I live in the midwest. :) I think I'm gonna take this back, didn't know what to looke and learn.
Well I added up how much I spent getting the whole home filtration system to work and it was around 75 bucks, I returned everything, and gave into the AWESOME!...prices Big G has at, I bought the Buon Vino Mini Jet Filter...I figured it was about a wash with my time, labor, and frustration, he just has prices you cant beat....and he's got the Christmas special running, made the deal even sweeter. cheers :b
Yeah, George is hard to beat but there are just a few things you cant do with that unit that you can with a vacuum pump, are you keeping that?
OH YEAH, that is priceless when racking wine, and bottling, thats what I use it for now, is there something else I should consider.....justifies the cost even more if there is.
The mini-jet was also my first filtering unit. It worked great and I was able to filter three 6 gallon batches of sediment free wine with no problems using the same filters. Even though I have the enolmatic, I will not give up the mini-jet because there are times I want disposable filters, like when I'm filtering jalapeño wine.
If you do use a home house filter, how long, or how many 6 gallon carboys can you get out of one filter. Also, if you can get more then one time out of a filter, how long can wait till you filter your next batch of wine with the same filter. Red wine only. Happy Holidays To All
The mini jet gets 5-6 gallons to a set of filters - the super jet i think like 40+ gallons.

However - i have used my mini jet for larger volumes - have done like 10-12 gallons per set of filters.
Thanks winemaker, but, im asking about a home house filter, if you where replying to me.
Rich, I never saw those string wound filters before. For under $2.00 a piece I am assuming your throwing them away afterwards. Can you get ones smaller than 1 micron? Do you have a picture of your set up you could post for the members?
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, I've finally figured out what you're talking about with a "whole house filter". Can the element be cleaned or are we talking a new filter every time? I like Wades setup but I don't see it sold anywhere. It looks like the Buon Vino only comes with the pump attached? bk
Thanks Lurker, are you using the 10X2 1/2 or 10X4 1/2?
I use 10 X 2 1/2. I'll run 2 carboys thru and then throw it away. I know some will rinse it or back wash it and freeze it. I just don't understand why since they're so cheap.

Merry Christmas