DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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Ok so I sweetened the DB 5 days ago which I know I should just let sit for while but I'm leaving town for 4 weeks and wanted to see if I like the DB before I left. I think it needs more flavor so I bought 36oz more of the quadberries and boil them and strain off all the juices and add them to the carboy. I then degassed again is there anything else I should do besides leave it alone for 4 weeks?
I just bottled my Strawberry/Rhubarb DB. I am not sure what it tastes like now, but a few days after I sweetened it, I had the wifes approval. I bulk ages this batch for about two months. After racking I had about two mason jars full left over, so I bottle one bottle dry, just to see how it compares in a year to the one sweetened.
Ok so I sweetened the DB 5 days ago which I know I should just let sit for while but I'm leaving town for 4 weeks and wanted to see if I like the DB before I left. I think it needs more flavor so I bought 36oz more of the quadberries and boil them and strain off all the juices and add them to the carboy. I then degassed again is there anything else I should do besides leave it alone for 4 weeks?

Nope, just make sure it's in a carboy with no head space (about 2 inches below the bung) and add an airlock. It should be just fine.
Kinda disappointed...

I started my first Dragon Blood January 27th and bottled about 2 weeks ago. I followed the recipe exactly except I reduced the lemon juice by 1/2 due to the acid and when I back sweetened, I used 1 cup per gallon because I like a sweeter wine. Fruit was 1 pound per gallon as per the recipe. I made a three gallon batch...

I drank 1 gallon of this from the start without bottling and thought it was pretty good. Gave a mason jar full to my parents and a bottle that I bottled to a co-worker. My mom said it was "good". Dad and co-worker didn't like it. My co-worker thought it needed "more flavor".

I'm not sure if I did something wrong or it just doesn't please the taste of "others". I'm happy with the way it turned out for the cost and time involved. But then again, I would consider myself someone who would drink anything and wouldn't be picky on taste. I just want to make something good that others would like. Just starting out making wine, it really is a blow and makes me not want to give anything else I have made away for fear nobody will like it.

I plan on doing another batch, I'm going to double the fruit and use the full amount of lemon. :?

I know.....I was hoping to make a wine to knock everyone's socks off! hahahaha
Maybe I did, and I just don't know it. Or maybe I just have to keep tweaking.

Just don't give up! It's an enjoyable hobby, none-the-less :D
Yes, stick with 4 cans per gallon in the must. Check SG and add extra sugar if desired. Back sweeten with 4 to 6 cans of concentrate (I use four), depending on how sweet you want it. That's what I do, anyway.

Wait a minute - 24 cans is for 6 gallons straight of wine from concentrate fruit juice.
So to balance to your recipe (for a 6 gallon batch) - you are using approx 40 percent lemon (40 percent skeeter pee recipe = 48/116 oz) so I should use 60 percent fruit juice which would be 16 cans juice.

ie 48 oz lemon + 16 cans juice would balance to the same Dragon's Blood recipe , Isn't that right?i
Or do you say - just go crazy on the juice? - but really that is not the same juice to lemon balance? Or works better?
To those worried about flavour, I'm sure DB is like any other wine, (and it has been mentioned on this thread before I believe) - time in the bottle will improve it a lot. It does go through sone change in flavour. It's a good idea I think to experiment by bottling a few dry or close to it, as well as backsweetened. I bottled 6 gals of this batch at .998 and it's pretty good on flavour already.

But I have always used double the fruit. I should try using just the 6lbs to see what the difference is.
Kinda disappointed...

My mom said it was "good". Dad and co-worker didn't like it. My co-worker thought it needed "more flavor".

I'm happy with the way it turned out for the cost and time involved. But then again, I would consider myself someone who would drink anything and wouldn't be picky on taste. I just want to make something good that others would like. Just starting out making wine, it really is a blow and makes me not want to give anything else I have made away for fear nobody will like it.

I plan on doing another batch, I'm going to double the fruit and use the full amount of lemon. :?

I would agree with Elmer and bkisel, taste is such a personal thing, you are not going to make a wine that everyone will like!! This is a "hobby"! And one that can be shared, but not everyone will enjoy the fruits of your labor!
You enjoy the process and the results, and it is just a bonus if someone else enjoys your wine also. I do like my DB's with double the fruit. My first batch of DB I had someone say "it tasted like koolaide that wants to grow up". I did feel a little crushed at that moment! And then I found out she prefers a chardonnay, oaky and dry. So I gave her a bottle of my carrot wine, which is oaky and dry, and she was overjoyed! Did you ask your dad and friends what kind of wine they liked? I do have a tendency to quiz my friends, gently, as to their likes and dislikes, so I can know which wine they might like and which ones to save for myself! Enjoy!
ckvchestnut;502147 But I have always used double the fruit. I should try using just the 6lbs to see what the difference is.[/QUOTE said:
I have always used 1 lb per gallon of fruit.
I have always wanted to double up the fruit, but either never had the extra fruit or room in the bucket.

one day.......
Has anyone tried the tropical version of Daves SP? I am about to embark on a version containing 12 lbs of strawberry-pineapple-peach-mango with the base of 24oz real lemon and the rest either pineapple or orange juice due to heartburn issues. I would also like to know if adding bananas for body and or raisins is a good idea? if so, how much of each goes into a 6 gal. batch? I was also told by others that my original DBSP (quad-berry version)using 6 lbs of fruit came out like a thin cool-aid with a heck of a kick!
Has anyone tried the tropical version of Daves SP? I am about to embark on a version containing 12 lbs of strawberry-pineapple-peach-mango with the base of 24oz real lemon and the rest either pineapple or orange juice due to heartburn issues. I would also like to know if adding bananas for body and or raisins is a good idea? if so, how much of each goes into a 6 gal. batch? I was also told by others that my original DBSP (quad-berry version)using 6 lbs of fruit came out like a thin cool-aid with a heck of a kick!

Yes yes yes! To all of your questions. I did that exact recipe using the same fruit, and a large can of pineapple juice. As well as 1 banana per gallon. It's excellent! Very tropical flavour! Can't wait to enjoy it this summer in front of the firepit! Double the fruit as well.
...what one tweak...

For those of you who've made DB batches according both to Dave's recipe and with your own tweak(s)/modification(s), what one tweak would you say improved the end product.

By the way , does it matter what type of yeast to use? i have one packet each of lalvin ec-1118 and premier Cuvee on hand
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I couldn't say at all haven't tried the original recipe with triple fruit as I didn't have access to it. Nor have I tried with just the 6lbs - sorry I can't add my 2 cents!
No I don't think so... Just probably not a sensitive type may not be as tolerant with the lemon :) I've used k1116 as well an also 1122 on my tropical version.
...what one tweak...

For those of you who've made DB batches according both to Dave's recipe and with your own tweak(s)/modification(s), what one tweak would you say improved the end product.


the only tweeks I do are:

make the ABV around 12 to 14%
add less sugar when back sweetening.
add slight oak!
What's your suggestion for adding medium toast french oak chips to blueberry DB? How much? Do you soak in water for 1 hour before adding? Can I add it to cleared/back sweetened/finished wine or is it too late? Any advice is appreciated!

I'm a noob when it comes to adding oak!
OH SNAP-SICLES! I saw on this forum
http://www.winemakingtalk.com/forum/f68/wine-rack-full-time-bombs-44259/ and got the wild hair to put some Quad-Berry DB in the Sodastream machine to carb it up! OH MY!!! I think I have fallen in love all over again!

As a note tho, be very careful as it bubbles A LOT, it takes a bit to slowly let off the gas before you unscrew to remove the bottle. Also as a warning: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: As per Sodastream instructions using anything but water will void warranty. Worth it to me as the units themselves can be bought very inexpensively
