DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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The chance of you getting a wild yeast is nill...exspecially if you start fermenting in 2 to 3 days after you pull it out of the freezer.
I freeze everything.. this is what i do.
I pull fruit out of the freezer and into a open top carboy.
I add water to cover.
I add pectin for a 3 5 are 6 gallon are better batch.
Let sit for 24 hours.
I add all other chemicals, NO k-meta are campden.
I monitor temp, and when its 60 i add the remainder of water and take hydrometer reading.
I add sugar to get to what ever sg i want.
I ferment to dry, rack with k-meta/campden added.
I clear it, sorbate it based on abv and backsweeten, clear and bottle.
Im not saying not to use,. its pretty much up to you.
For me, there is little chance that the triple berry are etc, will start fermenting are go bad in a few days..less chance if its frozen.
Not sure how long it takes for bacteria to start growing, but I think it would be more then 3 are 4, and by then, I would have in ferment stage.
I quess if you let the berries sit a week , they may go bad.
Not a lot of wild yeast on frozen fruits either.
I didn't suphite my blueberry peach batch either cuz they were store bought frozen fruit and canned fruit. I will right before bottling though.
Actually will probably do it at racking to secondary because I plan to bulk age it as it's going to be a port style. Then again at bottling.
i add my at racking from primary to secondary, always.
and if i bottle within a week, i dont add again....at 14 percent alcohol...not much chance of referment, are going bad.
Ya and mine might get over 20% it went from 1.130 to 1.001 in 3 or 4 days. I decided to step feed it sugar and have brought it from 1.000 to 1.010 3 times now. We'll see when these yeasties finally decide to quit!
Actually will probably do it at racking to secondary because I plan to bulk age it as it's going to be a port style. Then again at bottling.

I bulk age everything...mainly because I'm lazy and hate to bottle. :D
My Chocolate Candy Cane has been aging for a year now, it gets bottled for Valentines day. I'll be home alone all that weekend, and I plan to bottle 3 batches that have been bulk aging for 6 months to a year.
One is a DB batch, so I comply with the thread topic.
I didn't suphite my blueberry peach batch either cuz they were store bought frozen fruit and canned fruit. I will right before bottling though.

I only sulphite fresh home grown fruit, such as my blueberries even though they were frozen. I choose to sulphite to kill any wild yeast that may cause off flavors not to preserve them or keep them going bad before fermentation. I thought his original question was regarding fresh fruit, as opposed to store bought frozen or canned fruit. The later usually has some preservative used in their processing.
I love to bottle....its always a party, with plenty of helpers...lol

I WISH! All I get is my 4 year old and my 11 year old. The 11 year old pretends he's He-Man strong while pushing the corker. The 4 yr old likes to try to cork but can't do it, so we help her and she seems accomplished.
I suppose I'll take any help as opposed to none.
yup JetJockey, I was talking about fresh fruit that i had frozen at home.

I've got all the ingredients laid out in front of me as I type this. I'm gonna mash-up between this recipe and a lemonade recipe from homebrewtalk. I'll likely start a separate thread as I'm not really making this recipe but just getting a lot of inspiration from it. Thanks for the help and advice people.
I love to bottle....its always a party, with plenty of helpers...lol

Well, my wife will drink my wine, but has not lifted a finger to help!!:dg
We are in the planning stage of moving to a new house, and I laid down the law...this new house will have a wine cellar, even it it's in the attic!
It's probably going to be in the garage.:(
Yes that's right! Sorry I think I got lost somewhere all the way about what was being talked about lol
Well, my wife will drink my wine, but has not lifted a finger to help!!:dg
We are in the planning stage of moving to a new house, and I laid down the law...this new house will have a wine cellar, even it it's in the attic!
It's probably going to be in the garage.:(

I convinced my wife in getting a room dedicated to a wine cellar/ taste room/ wine making room.

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Awesome! I would like to make my walk up attic into my winemaking room but keeping it cool would be interesting. Maybe I can transform our basement one day lol