Corkidor questions

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Sep 21, 2012
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I have read the thread about corkidors, but have a couple questions.

I just bought 500 corks and noticed the bag said it contained SO2 gas. Since 500 is half a bag, i'm sure any SO2 has leaked out of my 1/2 bag.

So pictures I saw of a corkidor put a half full pint jar of K-meta in the center of the bucket with corks around it. From the size of 500 corks, I think it will half fill or maybe more a 6 gal food grade bucket. So do i have corks under the pint jar with more around it to keep i from tipping over? Will the SO2 gas fill the whole bucket protecting all the corks even those on the bottom?

Or should i have multiple corkidors each with 4 or 5 inches of corks?
Also, instead of a pint jar, i could use a quart jar to make 2-3 inches of k-meta less likely to spill and possible store 6-7 inches of corks?

Thanks, Pat
I use a 3L wine bottle in a 5 gallon bucket. It holds 200 or so without going over the top of the bottle.

Storage is the only thing keeping me from buying in lots of 1000 instead of 100 or 200 at a time.
I use a plastic quart milk jug in a 6G bucket that has a lid with a rubber seal. I fit 500 corks in it w/o any problems.
I use a 3L wine bottle in a 5 gallon bucket. It holds 200 or so without going over the top of the bottle.

Storage is the only thing keeping me from buying in lots of 1000 instead of 100 or 200 at a time.
Thanks BobF, sounds like i could fit 500 in 2 buckets.
I have read the thread about corkidors, but have a couple questions.

I just bought 500 corks and noticed the bag said it contained SO2 gas. Since 500 is half a bag, i'm sure any SO2 has leaked out of my 1/2 bag.

So pictures I saw of a corkidor put a half full pint jar of K-meta in the center of the bucket with corks around it. From the size of 500 corks, I think it will half fill or maybe more a 6 gal food grade bucket. So do i have corks under the pint jar with more around it to keep i from tipping over? Will the SO2 gas fill the whole bucket protecting all the corks even those on the bottom?

Or should i have multiple corkidors each with 4 or 5 inches of corks?
Also, instead of a pint jar, i could use a quart jar to make 2-3 inches of k-meta less likely to spill and possible store 6-7 inches of corks?

Thanks, Pat

Pat, the corkidor concept is based on science, but I don't believe there's the precision you're seeking. A corkidor is a container in which SO2 gas (from the K-meta) is allowed to permeate the corks. The SO2 gas is heavier than air and will be somewhat more concentrated at the bottom of the container than at the top. Unless you pack the corks tightly, such as by lining them in rows (side by side) the SO2 should penetrate the corks.

Make certain you have fresh (or at least not stale) k-meta and don't over dilute it. It's a good idea to put some sorks around the k-meta solution so it doesn't tip over. However, some spillage is not a big deal.

I suggest one corkidor instead of several.

Two other things to keep in mind. First, with 500 corks, you'll removing some corks from time to time and it's a good idea to mix the corks a bit after you remove some. Second, change the k-meta from time to time.

Finally, I give the corks remaining in the corkidor a spray with my k-meta bottle when I take some out, just for a little extra protection.

Tony P.
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I use a plastic quart milk jug in a 6G bucket that has a lid with a rubber seal. I fit 500 corks in it w/o any problems.

Mike, do you leave the top off of the milk carton or do you punch holes in the carton? The way you describe it, I picture a 6 gallon bucket with the milk carton set on the center of the bottom and with the corks all around the carton. Does that include on top of the carton? As far as spilling, unless one really tried, the corks would hold the carton in place as long as the carton were not filled to the brim.

What I have been doing was to sanitize my corks ad hoc with my home made corkidor and while keeping my cork inventory in ZipLoc bags until needed. I may have to re-evaluate that process.



Now Rocky you know only a "Polish winemaker" would leave the top on the milk jug! (LOL)

No holes, jug in the center flat on the bottom. 500 corks will fill to the top of that quart jug. Luckily I had several of those Mosti buckets so I used two of them at first, now down to just one with several hundred left and will pour through a bunch of those this Winter when I bottle my 2011 wines.