Cold Stabilizing Questions

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So I started CS on Sunday. Plan to go 2 weeks. The wine is a RJ Spagnols EP Sauvignon Blanc. I have no choice but to use an outdoor mini fridge. I have noticed that with the thermostat turned all the way down I am ranging 30 to 40 degrees between day and night time. Is the fluctuation dangerous? I have heard temp flucs are undesirable in normal aging. Will this range achieve crystal formation and when should I start noticing it? My concern is the higher temp. I wonder if that may negate any formation. When and if it does form, when will I know I am done and how much crystal should I see in the bottom? Thx.
Are we talking fridge temps or actual carboy temps. Hopefully your not seeing 10 degree change in your carboy temps each day. That would not be very good. I was going to say why don't you just hold off until Winter but then I remembered your in SD. Not much of a Winter really!

Stick a thermometer on the side of that carboy and let us know what the temps are doing to the actual wine each day.

If your going to see something I would think 3 weeks minimum at those temps. You may or may not. Keep us posted.
Fridge temps. Will sticking a therm to outside of carboy offer different since it is not really in the liquid? I will try it anyway!
I use a digital thermometer (indoor/outdoor) and tape the thermocouple to the side with a kleenex folded over a couple times for some added insulation. It ends up being spot on compared to sticking a temp probe directly into the wine. You can also get one of the peel off temp strips like most people use on their primaries.
I just tried with the peel off to no avail. With the condensation on the carboy it will not stick. I assume the wine temp is not fluctuating as much. Would u agree? From your experience, is the wine itself likely to be colder than the fridge temps? And if so then are those the temps I am striving for between advised 29-37 degrees? For some reason I thought they were fridge temp numbers. When should I note crystal fallout?
You still want to know what the temp in/on the carboy is. And keep track of its actual fluctuations each day.

Get some duck tape and an inexpensive indoor/outdoor digital thermometer.
ibglowin said:
I use a digital thermometer (indoor/outdoor)

I use the same and put the probe between an insulating jacket and the carboy. I bought the thermostat at Lowes for about 6 bucks.


You can kinda see the thermostat in the picture below right next to the controller.

It turns out I do have a therm with a probe! I just realized I had one in the garage. Does measuring the glass of the carboy though offer a good enough indicator as to what is going on inside? I would almost think the exterior glass would be similar to outside air. Rick, you got my mind working with those pics. Would that insulation jacket make my carboy colder and more stable and achieve what I am trying to do?
Gekko4321 said:
Rick, you got my mind working with those pics. Would that insulation jacket make my carboy colder and more stable and achieve what I am trying to do?
If I open the freezer in a 100 degree garage I didn't want that warm air hitting the glass.
As long as you put some insulation over the probe and tape it on the glass so its tight you will get a very accurate and true reading of the wines temp in the carboy.

I have done the test that prove it!
I dont have any insulation here. Can I use anything else common around the house? Blanket? Plastic?
Gekko4321 said:
I dont have any insulation here. Can I use anything else common around the house? Blanket? Plastic?

that's easy ... anything fluffy ... paper towel, cotton balls, toilet paper, maxi pads, diaper ...
Just found out the wife and I are having a girl today (our first kid) so that comment is funny yet scary now...
congratulations ... better get busy making wine, your going to need it in about 2 years
Thanks all for the congrats. Now you know why I am scrambling to get as much info as I can on this new hobby! I will be otherwise preoccupied in a few months and would like to be simply 'aging'...