Brown Juice in a kit wine

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Nov 1, 2014
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I had a Wine Expert Italian Pinot Grigio given to me. The juice in the kit is a very dark brown. I have no idea how old the kit is or if it is still good. The code is 0413806 0017.
I had a Wine Expert Italian Pinot Grigio given to me. The juice in the kit is a very dark brown. I have no idea how old the kit is or if it is still good. The code is 0413806 0017.

2006, probably not good.
Just in case you have never made a white wine from a kit, the juice is a murky brown to start with even on a brand new one so that fact that the juice is brown is not the problem so much as the date of manufacture.
"Deep golden color with some slight shades of pinkness"

"As for color, Pinot Grigio is typically a pale, straw-like yellow with some golden hues thrown in."

Maybe the WE kit is different...

The above are two quotes describing the color of Italion Pinot Grigio juice. I've done 3 RJS Italian Pinot Grigio kits in the past two years and the juice color I recall fits the two color descriptions quoted above.
Here is a snap of one of my many kit PG's I have made over the years. This is a typical color for the juice towards the end of fermentation.
