Blueberry help!

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Jul 9, 2013
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I've just juiced about 6 or 7 pounds of blueberries and got a gallon of juice with them. I used a metal mesh strainer to strain the juices and was wondering if anyone knew how to get rid of all of the seeds, and if anyone had any recipes to use them with I'm all ears! I've got roughly 9.5 pounds more in the freezer. So, if anyone has any ideas on how to juice them (I used a potato masher) and get more juice from them I'd love to hear that too!

I think your yield is quite good, but did you dose with pectic enzyme for 24 hr before juicing? You could increase yield by incorporating the enzyme. For seed mgt, I would recommend simply putting a nylon stocking, new clean/sanitized, over neck of the jug and pour juice into a new container or use hardware store paint straining bag, jelly bag, etc. Try Blueberry Bliss,
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i do not think those two bottles will ferment well...
both lids appear to be screwed on tight....where is the oxygen for them.
Go buy a 2 gallon bucket at home depot, dump them in the bucket and use the same kind of strainer bag, cover them and secure with something so no bugs get in them
Why are you worried about seeds at this point. Are they going through fermentation right now or completed? As Sara stated you should have added an enzyme. Crush only, add enzyme, next day add yeast. Continue to punch down cap three times a day. After fermentation rack off skins into carboys.
Here's some pictures from last year when I made Blueberry. They go from Crushing to a picture of the berries in the tank and the level. Two days later the cap was over the top and I had to remove quite a bit so it didn't flow over. Then after fermentation I pressed them off into another tank. I never add water.

Crushing 001.jpg




You must get a very good bulk price on your berries, Dan. At $11 a gallon you-pick here, it gets too pricey for my goals without adding some water and a bit of grape something for vinosity. Perhaps when my blueberry bushes really establish and produce in a year or two, I can go all-juice.

My favorite wine currently is a blueberry-muscadine blend I conjured up. Even though the muscadine is second pressing, it adds much to the mix.

Keep blueberry in the bottle a year and you will be well rewarded, cmiller.
Hey guys, thanks for the advice! I think I've got a solid idea on what I'm going to do! They aren't going through fermentation yet, but they will be by the end of the week! I'll let you all know how it goes!