Beer kegs

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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I know some of you have tried aging your whites in a SS beer keg, just wondering if you could tell a big difference vs. glass and also where did you get your keg?
If you know someone who works at a bar or restaurant that uses beer kegs, talk to them. They may be able to "sell" them to you for the price of their deposit. Otherwise they need to be returned so they can get their deposit back.

Giving or selling used kegs can be a liability for businesses because they may contain beer left over in them. It helps if you have a good relationship with an owner.

Otherwise you can find them on ebay but I think you'll pay more.
Hey Jimbo, I missed that post last month. Thanks for posting the link. Tingo, great job on the racking cane. Great post all together.
Thank you. This is a great forum and Im just glad to be a part of it.

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