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Not sure it would be good to burn a fire in this one, its electric!!! LOL I didnt buy it, my wifes Aunt did, why, I have no idea but its here so I use it. Does an alright job but I suspect because theres no flame it gets much messier!!!!!!
the drawing pic shows cooking grid and drip pan. Are either of these a steel plate? I ask this because having a steel plate somewhere in the bottom below the meat helps a temp consistancy.
the drawing pic shows cooking grid and drip pan. Are either of these a steel plate? I ask this because having a steel plate somewhere in the bottom below the meat helps a temp consistancy.
Yes, there is a 3/16" steel plate that runs the entire length of the tank portion, from the firebox. It stops before the "dome" portion of the tank. You can see it here when we are hooking up the drain for the drip tray:

Yea, I do a little smoking as well. Just finished this shack off this fall. Works great for what I do. Throwing a couple chickens, beef roast and some ribs in next weekend I think. Here's some pics I took a while ago when I made some sausage.

smoker resized 3.jpg

smoking resized.jpg

smoker resized 2.jpg
Not sure it would be good to burn a fire in this one, its electric!!! LOL I didnt buy it, my wifes Aunt did, why, I have no idea but its here so I use it. Does an alright job but I suspect because theres no flame it gets much messier!!!!!!

ELECTRIC????:pee So I guess agood time at the Evans residence is sitting around the electric smoker drinking some port and puffing on electronic cigarettes. :)

Tonight Wade is sitting next to his electric fireplace keep warm listening to his favorate album.
Well, got the smoker done......for now. There's still more to do, but not in the immediate future.



Yes, a most excellent design! I seem to recall one almost just like it a few years ago. Great design choice my friend!

Mike, you probably have a bunch of those laying around in Lost Almost.:se
I knew I'd get to use that smilie one day.
Wow that is pretty! Needs some flames painted on it. I think you should put bright yellow under the air vents so it looks like a radioactive sign!
I have a Weber Smokey Mountain that doesn't get enough use. I'll have to get something going soon though. Next trip to BJ's I'll see what they have - haven't done ribs in a while.
wow that deep red color looks amazing. really exciting and inspiring to see projects like this.

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