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I notice you put your handle in the middle of the two grooves I put mine under both, is there a right or wrong place to put a carboy handle?

After paying $45 for 3 cases of bottles yesterday I decided to go to
the redemtion center today, $17. for 80 bottles, $5.99 for 32oz of
Goo-Gone and some elbow grease tonight!!
I have one of them ceramic top stoves and you have to use a razor blade to clean it before you polish it. Picked up one with a four inch blade at Lowe's you have to be real careful and not be in the middle of taste testing your wine when you use it but it worked real good on the bottles that had the hard glue on them.
25 done tonight, one batch is enough!! Look close and you will see the AAASTINKIE lobster climbing on the wall.

A SOS pad works good also for removing labels. Just let them soak for about ten min. in hot water.

That's a good looking critter there stinkie. Jackpot on the bottles by the way.

berry Edited by: Berrywine

You all have me topping up BIG TIME I re-racked this to a 5 gallon
carboy and bottled 3 750's to meet your standards, NO AIR ON MY WINE!!

I don't know where I went wrong, but I had to open 2 bottles of the
welches I just bottled to top this one up. I've gone top up crazy.
I am going to post this again is there a right or wrong place to put the carboy handle I tried where Stinkie has his in the above picture but felt it was to loose so I went lower where I could screw it down tighter. Where do ya ll put yours?
Ramrod, I never thought about it, just screwed them on. Sounds like I might need to move them.
I recieved my order from geo and a carboy handle was in there, the
picture on the package shows it where mine is, while working on my
blueberry wine today I found one of the packages the other ones came in
and the picture shows the same, I put mine where it is because not only
are you lifting on one side but putting downward pressure on the other
side, that downward pressure is better on the thick ring than the
bottle, IMHO