4 Seas Label -

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Senior Member
Jun 2, 2007
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Hi Ya'll

This is my new label for our 2010 red blend. Started with the idea of 4- C's since this is a barrel of 4 Italian Reds all starting with the letter C: ie: Charbono, Carnelian, Centurian and Carmine.

Then my mind went wild - and I changed the 4 - C's to 4 Seas. I wanted to use an old sailing ship and was looking for one when my partners wife, Joanie, said she drew one when she was going to school and maybe I could use it. She emailed it to me and I said "wow" this is exactly what i was looking for.It sure is funny howthings developand here it is:

This is a picture of the Flagship Niagara that I have tucked away for my next batch of Niagara. My wife actually got to crew on it last month while I wasat a wine competition.

you were at a wine comp...while she was on a boat w other men???
Al Fulchino said:
you were at a wine comp...while she was on a boat w other men???

Yup and she was hurting for a week from pulling on ropes all day. At least thats her story. LOL Thats ok I got some ribbons and she got some blisters and sore muscles.
Great label Rick

Since sailing is my other hobby, I like the sailing theme also.
This one is almost too hard to resist..........

So many Jay Leno type one-liners are popping into my head ATM it may explode!

But alas its early and I couldn't even blame my poor taste on too much wine.......


Rick, nice labels!

Great backstory to boot!
Dan did you ask her who got to ring the bell?

At least whenever she has some of your Niagara, she will probably get a smile on her face!
She did mention something about fireworks

Rick these guys are sick! Just like the rest of us

Please excuse them for hijacking this thread. Your label is great and I was just amazed as I was thinking of something very close to it.

You know Mike isn't done with this yet