2010 Winemaker Competition

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Feb 9, 2010
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The competition results will be announced at the Winemaker Mag Conference this saturday. Is anybody going to the conference?

They posted on facebook that the results will be on the website later on this week. :(
This is killing me. I hate competitions!
Well, I guess this is the price we pay for our passion (and not paying the conference admittion fee).

Well, we have waited months, I guess we can wait a few more days.
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I can see why some of you get disenchanted with the Winemake Magazine Competition. It seems to be all in what judges you pull and how their tastes run. MY wines this year that I entered were as good or better than last years. Last year I entered 8 wines and won 6 medals. This year I entered 13 wines (maybe an unlucky number) and got just a bronze and a silver. What is even more mysterious is that one I entered last year I thought was good, did not get any medal. That is the one this year that took a silver! It will be interesting to get the judges notes and see who they were. Last year the judges were cold hardy specialists- I'm guessing this year they were not. I am still thrilled to enter, but hopefully this will be my last year as next year I hope to join the professional category of contests.
I agree with you grapeman. I entered several wines the are multi medal winners in other competitions, but won nothing in this one.

Also did you notice that the winemaker of the year won most of his/her highest medals for "other than grape" wines?

I am just confused on what the judges were looking for.
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Congrats to anyone who won, I just couldnt bring myself to parting with all the $ between entries and shipping!
Yea same here. I still think they are bias to kits and not to versed on garapes, juice, concentrates, and fruit wines.
Yea same here. I still think they are bias to kits and not to versed on garapes, juice, concentrates, and fruit wines.

I Heard i won a silver medal for my 2008 cab franc / Merlot blend that was crushed from grapes and also a silver medal for my 2008 cab/merlot /shyra blend also from grapes . just an up date my cab/merlot syrah blend turned out to be a gold medal and not a silver medal
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Saw that George's Store sponsored a winner Best of Show Estate Grown. Very nice! Congrats Rich and Carmine on your medals!
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