1st transfer and ALOT of CO2

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Aug 24, 2011
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I just racked from the bucket to the Carboy - WOW did I get alot of CO2 out using the Allinonewinepump !

It is a Gewürztraminer wine from chile - I transferred it at 1.00 on the hydrometer scale.

It was actively brewing for 5-6 days using D47
Seeing that much foam on a primary to secondary transfer is a first for me! I did however once get a foam overflow while degassing after secondary by hitting the wine to heavy/fast with a wine whip. This was with wine a little over the shoulder of a 6.5 gallon carboy.
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Wow. I hope my Gewurztraminer that I just started doesn't have quite that much. I stirred mine for the first two days, then airlock and into the refrigerator at about 55. My heart is only good down to 59,so I'll probably take it out in the morning and let it warm up a bit.

Can you imagine trying to get all that out by stirring? Good thing you have one of those vacuum pump things.
So is this what you would expect to see using the AIO to go from primary to secondary? Is there something unique to this batch of wine that is resulting in all that foam?
I typically see this when doing this process. I transferred at hydrometer reading of 1.000
I've not seen that much when I used my AIO to rack to secondary unless I really rocked the carboy, but lately I've been using my siphon for this stage. I want to ensure there's enough CO2 to protect my wine in secondary. Though with the amount of CO2 I've had that's probably an unnecessary thought. Of course after secondary, all means are fair game to degas.
Wow, here is my Chardonnay right after racking today. No where near as much foam. I wonder if its because i let mine go to dry before racking.....

image1 (18).JPG
Maybe the vintage has a higher than usual protein content causing extra foam. In white wine the protein doesn't drop out unless you add bentonite or tannin etc.
Wow, here is my Chardonnay right after racking today. No where near as much foam. I wonder if its because i let mine go to dry before racking.....

More than likely - I have a red that went totally dry and I will be racking soon
You know what else i just thought of? My Chardonnay has been fermenting in the basement where its about 65 deg! So im sure that is one reason why i did not pull that much gas...
Once in a while I get that much action when I vacuum rack. I also have noticed if I add K-meta first to the carboy and rack hard into it I get a Lot more foam, than I do when I rack first then add K-meta. Some wines just foam more than others. Roy
I always use an Allinone and I've never seen that much foam. A couple of times, maybe 3 or 4 inches, but not a foot.

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