Would you use this press on your grapes?

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Good, very sweet. They look ready to me aside from the few ones that you see that were still green.

I could have taken them home today but no use of the crusher. Not sure how to crush/destem 200lbs of grapes by hand!

Still wondering if I should take them back home this weekend or next week. I will basically be oncall and have to make a run to get them on the day they are picking them and crushing. Another 600 mile round trip drive.

Al Fulchino said:
on a seriosu note..Mike did you get to taste the grapes? how were they?
i was wondering how long it would take...i went to the winery, checked on some things..come back and do i see?...now i figured Waldo would do it first..he must be sleeping so he can get up and make those 4AM postings :)...and yes very scary...see how big his head is! incredible...

i gotta hit he sack and go to the airport before i start picking again
Believe me the rain can knock down the brix quite a bit. I had taken brix readings last week on the Willsboro grapes and got some pretty good numberes. Then over Saturday night through Monday early we got over two inches of rain. I waited until Thursday to get new readings and most of them had dropped a point or two from the previous week! Probably more than that, but had gotten better during the days since the rain.

I would opt to wait the extra week or two seeing the light color of the fruit. Have fun whenever you do it!

I think you should have put the head on Al's friend instead.
Wow, did not know that the rain could have those abrupt number declines! I know that the plants suck up the rain but never knew it would effect those numbers like that, very interesting.
I would use it. No soap and water, just hot waterand a scrub bush. I would not want to risk any kind of soap residue in the little nooks and crannies. Then spray down with no rinse sanitizer, wait a few minutes, spray again, etc. Also meta and citric acid make a good sanitizer if you want to do a final rinse.Key is - give the sanitizer time to work.