Winter Time

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Jun 8, 2008
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Above had to make room for UPS bringing MM Amarone today

Foggy days below

Snow has been tough on some critters so feed them some corn and fun to watch.
Gobble Gobble. Thats some serious snow you have there, do not let it get this way!
Scott, at least you have your priorities right. A bit of personal pain and sacrifice is worth the sound of that delivery truck rolling up the drive to deliver that new bundle of joy.
Appleman, kinda changes when one gets older doesn't feel like playing anymore.

Wade, we have had our share of the white stuff with a snowy February forcast.

Rick yes that does make it worth it and that wasn't even the realbad spots to get through. Sounds like OK is getting hit with a storm.

Scott (nice name) it is freakin cold got up to 5 yesterday.

Can you tell I have the winter boredom?
Scott I feel for you buddy it's been a bad winter here as well. We haven't had this kind of winter in over 25 years.

We are getting our annual "Blizzard" right now. Will probably end up with at least 1-2 inches here before it ends in the morning
dragonmaster42 said:
Unfortunately most of that blizzard is sleet, not snow.

Getting slicker than snot on a doorknob out there right now !!!
Well, I hate to say it but it will be about 63 today and clear with blue sky and big white puffy clouds. BUT we had it last week and you are getting it now. See we westcoasters share with our brethren.


on the road to our house -


about 1 mile from home - we are on top of a hill just over this little range.

Pretty in the spring - fall and winter but hotter than - - - - in the july - august september months.

oh well


You Yankees keep your snickering to a minimum, to us Southerners this is a big winter freeze





Gotta make sure the birds have plenty to eat



Even "Wild Thang" ventured out for a look around

That looks really pretty waldo.

Here is a video of the '98 ice storm just to the north. This one was filmed in suburbs around Montreal. Around here there isn't harly a tree left intact from that storm.
Here is another one.

Check out this booklet it has some good pictures. The worst damage was forests lost. Look at page 11 map of forests heavily damaged in upper NYS. I am in the dark pink area south of the border.
Now that was an ice storm appleman. We had a siiliar one here secveral years ago and it was devastating. Some people were without power for a couple of weeks. I remember kat and I sitting out under our carport that night listening to limbs cracking and reaking form the ice. Sounded like shotguns going off and you could see the blue flashes from electric power lines going down everywhere.
wade said:
Thanks Scott for that 4" over here right after I said do NOT share!

Oh don't share, sorry thought you said give us some of that stuff

Did you make snow angels?
Scott, yep you were right. We were getting it in Oklahoma with aice storm that took out major transmission lines plus local tree breakage on lines. Just spent 4 days without power so the house got a bit frigid. Fireplace helped some but not enought. I think a generator is in my immediate future. Also got to try to jump start a wine that was still fermenting in the primary. I checked it yesterday and the primary temp was 50 deg. Hopefully only asleep and will wake back up with heat.
Rick, kinda thought it might get bad when on the news they were telling people to go and stock up on food. Hope all works out for ya with the sleeping primary.
Good luck waking it up again Rick.

When you do get a generator, make sure to place it outside when run- not even in the garage. When our area was hit with the ice storm of '98, quite a few people died and the majority were from carbon mooxide poisoning from generators. Also do not put something like a grill or even a gas space heater inside. I almost didn't wake up one morning trying to keep the pipes from freezing. After that I said to heck with it and left till the poer came back on a week later. The pipes still didn't freeze.
You can keep all that ice. We will be happy up here in North Country with our dailygentle temperature swings of -20F to +10F. We do have about 3 ft of snow on the ground but that is better than that dang ice!!!