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Thats where it is. I'm not quite sure what town that is as the property
line is very jagged by that dam, could even be Oxford there. Where do
you live or did you live that youre so close to me.
When I was a few years younger I used to drive up to Silver sands and
Walnut Beach every weekend. Now I take the kids up there to fly kites
once in awhile.
Another beautiful October day.....the sun is slipping further into the Southern horizon each day...</font>


Our beautiful fall days are the calender ticks away the fall season....Life goes on...</font>Edited by: Northern Winos
Yes and this weekend we lose an hour of it. From there on in its very
sad, I go to work in the dark every morning and leave from work in the
dark. I dont know how people do it in Alaska. Very depressing if you
ask me.
What a lovely thread, NW and Waldo. You just took me out of this God forsaken city for a brief moment..............Thank you!!! Ramona
"Another beautiful October day.....the sun is slipping further into the Southern horizon each day...

Then why isn't it getting warmer down here
Red sky in the morning....
Sailors take warning.....

We don't have any Sailors around here....

So we'll just call it...



This might be our last warm-dry day for awhile....

So...I guess the warning is that tomorrow the winds switch to the North with some rain.....and the rain may change to freezing rain...So it goesEdited by: Northern Winos
Last evening my hubby pulled the combine out of the corn field for the last time of the season....a couple hundred Canada Geese landed right behind him and settled in for a night of gleaning grain.....This morning the were ousted out by Jim with the stalk shredder....they lifted and headed South....good plan....Guess they feel safe here...Canada Goose à la B.B.'s is not on our menu.
Today was perfect day...beutiful sunrise...only a slight South breeze....the calmness only broken by the sounds of the area...Jim's John Deere shredding corn stalks and plowing ...trying to beat the weather....the bellering of the neighbors fresh weaned cows and calves...the sound of some Harley's on the hiway as the riders enjoy probably the last putt of the year....the sound of geese, larger flocks now...flying higher to avoid the hunters and make time beating the oncoming weather....
I fluffed straw over the baby grape vines and strawberries, a cozy bed for the winter....Took some compost and piled it over the crowns of more tender rose bushes...Looked to the North only to see clear blue sky...surely the forecast for strong North winds and a Winter Storm for tomorrow has got to be wrong...
We have had Halloween storms before that dumped snow that stayed for the winter....So...I continued my last fall chores, rolling up hoses and putting away garden tools....the season is changing...
As sure as the geest fly South..
The winds will change...
Your writing is so beautiful? Have you ever published anything? I love to read what you write!!!

BTW....what is your first name....I guess I don't know it. Ramona
Thank You Ramona..
I never write, except letters to freinds...I live kind of remote...have lots of time to think...
I'm with ya Ramona. Like I said before, I sometimes feel like I'm in
the middle of a novel. NW, it needs to be longer, by the time I open a
bottle of wine and pour a glass to settle down from the day and read
your post I discover that I'm done and the glass of wine doesnt taste
so good any more.
No novel here...just the facts of life..
Looks like snow to the far West, heading this way....
When winter comes the wine gets made and time to enjoy the warmth of it....

Que sara sara
Went out this morning for 'A Ride & A Drive' on the tractor to look at the geese in the fields...the neighbors called last night and thought there might have been hundreds settle in at sunset....


Some had moved over to the neighbors early this morning... Got pretty close to one flock....they aren't scared of the tractor....they were so full that they just moved over to the plowed ground to rest and digest their grain...Getting fat for their long journey South...Edited by: Northern Winos
wow again.
50 yeaes ago i used to see flocks of ducks just off shore on long island sound in n.y. state. when i left 11 years ago there were a few hundred ducks scattered over a very large area.

Your area is still very beautifull.
The flocks seem to be getting bigger.....many young ones spend the winter in Minneapolis on the open water on the Mississippi River...then they go and fowl [foul] on peoples lawns and are a nuesence...

This was right before they lifted....


The preverbial...'Sitting Duck'....ugh...Goose..

Guess if we did blast one out of the sky and I tried cooking one again...I could say..."Your Goose is cooked"...

There is better things to venison....
The Canadian geese seem to be making a good comeback after the Canadian government stopped the poaching of their eggs. 5-10 years ago the flocks had dwindled and the Snow geese far outnumbered them. It's good to see large numbers coming south again. As I was sitting in my blind today, I heard a flock coming in real low and a few seconds later the air was cut by their passing so close ovrhead I could pull out a few tail feathers if I wanted to. You are indeed fortunate NW to live in a blessed land with your family and they are truly blessed to have someone as sweet as you. Beautiful name....Lorraine.
Appleman....don't you love the sound of a low flying flock...their wings whistling, their mournful calls...driven only by far to go...lifts your heart and you wish them a good journey and..... we'll see you in the spring....take me with you!!!
Today we had strong North East winds, like about 45MPH, a large flock of Sand Cranes, flying high were headed South West, the wind at their backs....they were really moving fast, at the rate they were moving they should be in Texas by morning...take me with you!!!!
Tonight the winds have shifted from the North West, blowing snow....the forecast has shifted the storm path and we will be spared the brunt of the snow....hope ours will be gone by noon...Time for hibernation with another glass of wine....

More and more geese are coming everyday, some Snow Geese now too....they have different calls than the Canada Geese....They are loving the minimum tillage as grain is left on the surface of the soil.

In this photo there were two more flocks on the ground in the distance and one huge flock in the air behind me....

Today is the opening of deer season, so the BIG guns are out in the woods....soon the geese will gather together and "GET THE FLOCK OUT OF HERE"
Ah yes, Bert is out there now, looking for our next batch of meat. Better in the freezer than on the grill of my car.