White wine kit help please

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May 27, 2013
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I am about to start my next kit and would like to try either the Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay by Kenridge Classic. I prefer unoaked Chardonnay vs oaked. My question is, if I were to leave the oak out of the Chardonnay kit, would I end up with a wine similar to a New Zealand unoaked Chardonnay?



The difference between Chardonnay oaked, and fruit forward as the Australians make , should be different.Oak will give a more character deepness texture, fruit forward thinking brings out a more vibrant white wine ,understand? I do not know about the other kits you asked about, but I do know the difference that the Oak will make. If you like you without the Oak, then by all means do without the oak there is no law the state you cannot .E:u:u:u:u:u:u:u:u:u:u:u
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Try it without, you can add the oak almost any time before you actually bottle your wine so if you don't like it without the oak, its no big deal. It just means you might have leave the wine on the oak a little longer and possibly do an extra racking.
It seems to me that if you want a Chardonnay without oak you should buy one that comes without oak:slp
Oak is always a choice. I have customers that want no oak others like more than what is in the kit some that only add a little. In most wine headache cases it is the Oak Tannins that are the culprits. Have one lady love Cabernet Sauvignon but she was getting a headache after 1/2 glass stopped putting oak in her wine and she now can drink the Cabernet Sauvignon with out getting a head ache.

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