When to restest after adding acid blend

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Jan 13, 2012
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So i made some wine and my acid was too low, I tested and added acid blend to adjust. I didn't test it at the start, i am essentially doing it at the end before bottling (my nubie mistake). My question is, how long should i let it sit in the carboy before i should test the acid again and continue adjusting? And how long should i let it sit again before bottling? I dissolved the acid blend in water and mixed the wine after i added the acid blend and water mixture.

Give it a good stir, as long as all of the acid has been disolved (look to see if any is resting on the bottom of your jug), you should be good to test right away.
Yes you can test shortly after adding. Just be sure it's well stirred not hard whipped though.
Also, when making acid adjustments, it is considered a good practice to only add half as much as the calculations say. Acid/PH adjustments can sometimes be unpredictable. This way you can make an adjustment, check it and make another addition, rather than end up with too much acid the first try.