What's for Dinner?

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There is this place in Morristown NJ called Aurther's that specializes in steak. This place is great and you have a vast array of dishes to choose from. You can either have the 24 ounce Delmonico, or the 48 ounce Delmonico. Both come with a side of home fries, and a cherry pepper.

I went for the 24 ouncer, a true bargain at only $15. It was juicy, tender, and melted in my mouth.

I truly pity vegetarians.

Here is the before and after photos. The only thing I can say after eating it is ... BBBBBUUUUURRRRRPPPPP!!!!


Dang that looks good enough to eat for sure. How in the he11 do you sell a steak that big for $15 and make any $$$$???????

Oh yea, I forget, this is Jersey and things just fall out the back of a truck……. :sm


My thinking is that the steak is a loss-leader. They make money on booze, side dishes, desserts, etc.

I have been going to this place since I was a teenager. It is great. They set out small bucket of pickles and buckets of mixed pickled vegetables for you to nosh on while you wait for your steak. The pickles are really good.
I made some baby rack ribs tonight. I cooked them in the oven with homemade dry rub, then finished them on the grill.

My bride made a super-nice carrot/lemon/garlic/cumin/raisin slaw, and a yummy guacamole, and my neighbor made charred corn-off-the-cob with butter, garlic, and chili powder. Dessert was grilled nectarines served with heavy cream.

When trying to decide what to drink with this, I was dubious about the big reds I was originally planning. Then it hit me: we sipped Dragon Blood during appetizers, and drank a nice rose with dinner (Menage a Trois rose). The rose was, as expected, quite food-friendly.
Chicken Bolognese from Blue Apron with an arugula and yellow squash salad. Washed down with my 2013 juice bucket Valpolicella "que paso". It's not quite Ripasso, but raisins in primary and secondary give it that flair. ;)

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I haven't been able to get mine much higher than 700. But that's mostly using Kingsford. With lump, I think I'm pushing 800.

Here's one of last night's pies:


I made a big mistake last time and left a nice stick of pecan in thinking it wouldn't light as I kept in way back away from the fire in the rear of the webber. It caught of course along with my 4-5 nice sized chunks of mesquite and charcoal……. The temp gauge on the Kettle was pegged. The steel grate looks like it warped a bit from the heat. Those look perfect in comparison!
I did pizza on the grill yesterday too, but just in my normal Weber. One with pesto and sun-dried tomatoes. The other with sausage, mushroom, and roasted peppers. The crust on the first was perfect. The second was just a tiny bit overdone for my liking.

The way we do ours is to let the stone get hot, then put the dough on by itself for a couple minutes. After it cooks most of the way, then add the toppings and cheese. It keeps the center from getting too doughy and the top from getting scorched.
I made a big mistake last time and left a nice stick of pecan in thinking it wouldn't light as I kept in way back away from the fire in the rear of the webber. It caught of course along with my 4-5 nice sized chunks of mesquite and charcoal……. The temp gauge on the Kettle was pegged. The steel grate looks like it warped a bit from the heat. Those look perfect in comparison!

That's a lot of wood. I use one good size chunk of pecan and one of apple. These came out OK. I used dough from Trader Joes which is decent, but not as pliable as my go-to dough. Unfortunately, that takes some planning, and about 6 hours to rise/proof. So these ended up being thicker than i'd normally like. I also didn't have any semolina or corn meal, so I had do use regular flour on the peel.
I am definitely going to try the less is more approach next time LOL. Who cares if it takes 10 mins to cook a pizza instead of 3 mins…. I used this for my crust and it turned out well on the one that didn't burn to a crisp.
