What's for Dinner?

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Mrs Boatboy has had the most difficult job in the world the last 8 years. But other than some substitute teaching at the preschool our boys attended, hasn't been in the workforce. We were considering her going back to work part time later this year or early next year. But yesterday, she got a call from the preschool our boys attended, asking if she'd be interested in a part time assistant teaching position. BINGO! Easing back into the workforce without having to commit to 30 hours a week - perfect. Today, she accepted. The pay is horribly low, but it is a foot in the teaching door that she's been considering and any more $$ is a good thing. So I grabbed some nice steaks for dinner tonight. Filets for the wife and kids and a grass fed organic, blah, blah, NY Strip for me. Some taters and peppers/onions for sides.


You are just evil!!!

They look so good! Have not had a decent steak in months! Now I will be super-craving steak for the rest of the day..

I Say again.. You are just plain evil!
Have not had a decent steak in months!

Sure you have.

Boy, compared to BB my Friday Pizza night pales in comparison. Kids like it though, won't show them the steaks because they'd like that even better!

Simple Pepperoni/Smoked Ham on the grill. Crispy on the bottom, heavenly in the middle.

Friday. Pizza Day. Sometimes feels like Ground Hog Day.

Didn't have a pre-made GF crust, so made one from Bisquick GF mix. Was a success. He loved it. Made a deep dish crust (which you have to pre-bake) and added some homemade sauce, a few pepperoni and a happy GF/Diabetic we had.

Caught the crew with a picture. They normally scatter. I'm 1 for 1 on the weekend.

Grilled pizza was the normal mushroom pepperoni, but the temperature didn't get high enough and I had some extra moisture pool on top. Dumped it and grilled a little longer. Crust got a bit crunchier than usual, but wasn't inedible.

Next time I make the pizza sauce from garden tomatoes I have to allow a few more hours to cook down. Flavor was wonderful, just soupier than normal.



Strip steaks a la fiorentina. Chicken done in a similar manner with a lemon/basil/olive oil drizzle. Asparagus wrapped in provolone and proscuito, then grilled. Angel hair pasta tossed with olive oil, lemon zest, basil, garlic and parmesan cheese. Oh, and a glass or two of good wine.
Strip steaks a la fiorentina. Chicken done in a similar manner with a lemon/basil/olive oil drizzle. Asparagus wrapped in provolone and proscuito, then grilled. Angel hair pasta tossed with olive oil, lemon zest, basil, garlic and parmesan cheese. Oh, and a glass or two of good wine.

Isn't that, ummm, a lot of food?! Sounds absolutely yummy, though!
Isn't that, ummm, a lot of food?! Sounds absolutely yummy, though!

A protein, a starch and a vegetable (wrapped in protein). :D

I was kinda hoping for some leftovers. But we just kept on eating and there wasn't as much left as I'd hoped. ;)
This weekend was spent away from home way too much, but there was the bonus of good food. Yesterday evening was a dinner by long time friends of ours, and she is the business manager at a stock yard. Steaks on the grill, salads, fruit, excellent potatoes...and we brought the wine. She likes them on the sweet side so we had a couple OB Green Apple Delights, several Cranberry Chianti, some Niagara/Peach/Mango's (which are actually semi-dry) and a few Concord/Niagara's. The peach won out plus we left her with a 1.5L bottle of my first ever batch of Niagara/Raspberry, which I over backsweetened to my wife and my taste.

Today for lunch was a church youth picnic at a local lake/state park (Fuller Lake) which we had fried chicken from the aunt of our group leader who owns a local restaurant. Needless to say, I haven't eaten dinner yet. But the rest of the family has eaten.

First time I tried this, ribs in the oven at 225*F for four hours. Two racks, and here's the results. Guess that's my dinner or lunch tomorrow...I'd guess each rack was 3 lbs and I took the goodies in the foil and boiled down for a mopping sauce and finished them on the grill. Couldn't keep them from falling apart, kids have already requested them again.

You own a WSM and you did ribs in the oven? Sacrilege!!! :p

They look good! I like the idea of 'recycling' the drippings from the foil.

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