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On another good note, I'll be heading to SC in 2 weeks. My youngest son is returning from Afghanistan. It was a long 7 months and even though I'm not looking forward to the 13 hour drive the end result is well worth it. I'll be taking a bottle of our berry melomel as well as a few others to enjoy with him while we are there.
Just got back from picking up some carboys. I scored on 14-5 gallon carboys, 3-3 gallon carboys and a Buon Vino Mini Jet Wine filter for $200.00.

I'll be sharing my recent treasure find with Julie and DJSteve. Good score on my part I think. Now to figure out the filter....
You will love the filter .. Is it the Mini ?

Yes, it's the Buon Vino Mini Jet. He said it was a couple years old but it still works. He paid 180 for it. Price was still on the box. I also got 1 package of #1 filters and 3 packs of #2 filters with it. I figured it was a good deal. I'll probably get new hoses for it just to make sure they are new.
all good deal
Start looking @ #2 filters Thats what I use 99% of the time
Doug, I easily filtered three 6 gallon carboys with one set of filters. Just ensure your wine is clear and sediment free before filtering and then as you empty a carboy clean it out and use it to rack the next one into it. You'll be amazed at how a wine looks when it goes from clear to polished.
Just got back from picking up some carboys. I scored on 14-5 gallon carboys, 3-3 gallon carboys and a Buon Vino Mini Jet Wine filter for $200.00.

I'll be sharing my recent treasure find with Julie and DJSteve. Good score on my part I think. Now to figure out the filter....

Woot Woot, I'm adding to my list of wines!
Woot Woot, I'm adding to my list of wines!

You will likely be able to pick up other juice from Consumers when you pick yours up if you're lucky. Empty carboys need filling.

This will bring me to 8-5 gallon glass, 2-5 gallon better bottles, 2-6 gallon and 3-3 gallon. I'd eventually like to pick up 1 or 2 more 3 gallon as they are a nice sixe for experimenting, but with what I have I can oak 1/2 of my 6 gallon of elderberry and no oak in the rest.
Doug, I easily filtered three 6 gallon carboys with one set of filters. Just ensure your wine is clear and sediment free before filtering and then as you empty a carboy clean it out and use it to rack the next one into it. You'll be amazed at how a wine looks when it goes from clear to polished.

BUTT, give the motor 20 minutes to cool in between
Off to North East (PA) today to pick up the first 50 gallons of juice of the year.
Niagara, Concord, Fredonia
Need to go to the brew store and pick up some bungs and other minor supplies then we're off to a community festival for a few hours. Should be a relaxing weekend.

Carboys look a lot better after sitting in oxy over night, need to finish cleaning those out then take them to the basement so they are out of the way. Whoo Hooo, I'm still exited about the find.
I'm going to the wine store to pick up and acid test kit...then I'm going to spend the rest of the day figuring out how to use it!!;)
I'm also going to sort the 9 dz of bottles that were donated to me last week-end :D
Just pitched the yeast to a new Chianti.

Later off with the wife and two of the grandsons to pick some apples.

Gotta love Vermont this time of the year.
Rinsed out the carboys that were on the tarp outside that were soaking overnight. Cleaned up pretty nice. Have to rinse the 3 gallon ones that are in the stationary tub then all will be clean. Yeah...
Rinsed out the carboys that were on the tarp outside that were soaking overnight. Cleaned up pretty nice. Have to rinse the 3 gallon ones that are in the stationary tub then all will be clean. Yeah...

WOW thats quiet a deal Julie's getting. You pick up the carboys and clean them, then deliver! I was wonder if you could pick up about 50 cases of bottles for me?
Picked up the fixings for another batch of Pee and getting ready for my daughters first marching band competition. Hope the rain holds off.