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Just hung a couple of pictures. It was a PITA, because they were a diptych, so they had to be at exactly the same height. Also, the grouping is centered on a fireplace, so the left-right spacing was critical, too. AND the length of the hanging wires differed between them, so the nails had to be at different heights for the pictures to be at the same height. I boofed it by 1/4", and had to rehang them. Looks good now, though.
Racked some cranberry, had some extra (1 ltr.), taste test is in order. Might watch the Olympics and make some chili.
Trying to prep and seal a barrel.
Full with water, found dip, empty, apply wax.

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House chores, dinner, etc. Bottled Quad-Berry Dragon Blood. Started up a Strawberry DB and a Blackberry DB.

I'm really excited because my mom (who has changed her mind about not liking my new hobby MUHAHAHA!) has asked me to make a batch of "pink" as prizes for my sister's baby shower. That's what the strawberry is for. I may need to ask later about regaining some pink color as it does go orange-ish. Thinking I may have to add a drop of *GASP* food coloring. The people at this party are in no way, shape, or form refined. I assume, by the guest list, the person who picked it as a prize would just be in it for free booze and would most likely chose a pint of Heaven Hill over anything else.

Okay, now I'm laughing. It's probably the DB's fault!

Tomorrow is the Kings of Leon concert. I'm excited and should probably get some rest.
Hmmm you could add a dash of Concord grape concentrate for colour if your strawberry goes light and orangey? I'm going to try this with my tropical daze. I'll try to post a photo of the before and after colour. I made labels for my TD that say blush on them so now I have to make sure it is a blush lol!
Attended a very informative Chilean wine class yesterday (thanks Dan) and took a side trip to Walker's. Picked up 10 gallons of Brianna, 10 of Stueben and 5 of Isabella. I hope to start these and the Green Apple Riesling sometime this week. My bottler said he can come home from college to assist this weekend.

We need to back sweeten the Seyval Blanc to take the dry edge off, then possible rack and bottle the Shiraz, the Gewurtz, the Merlot, and possibly blend the concord with the niagara and start to toy with the Fredonia and Crab Apple...
It's not bad enough that I would add anything to it. If you're using a 7.9g bucket, you should have plenty of room. When I've used it, the foam will get to within an inch or so of the top. That's about as bad as it gets, and only for the first couple days.

Well, it did get quite foamy, and I did pick up Fermcap-S. I used it yesterday, and it wiped out the foamy head pretty quickly. Today, it was foamy again, but not that bad. Also, there is a noticeable purple scum/sludge around the edge of the bucket at the top. (I wiped this with the grape pack bag and sort of re-dissolved it into the wine.) It is certainly clear to me that the yeast matters! There must be something those little guys are producing that will alter the mouthfeel and other aspects of the wine.
Attended a very informative Chilean wine class yesterday (thanks Dan) and took a side trip to Walker's. .

Bill it was good to see you and another member from here at the class from Pgh. I hope you guys can make it to the AWS conference in Pittsburgh. It is always very informative.
Racked 6 gallons of the skeeter pee and 18 gallons of the Nero D'Avola/Dolcetta blend. My 6 year old granddaughter came over and wants pizza so of course pizza it is. :i
Bill it was good to see you and another member from here at the class from Pgh. I hope you guys can make it to the AWS conference in Pittsburgh. It is always very informative.

Dan, I may just alter the consulting days JUST to attend. The line up of topics looked very interesting. I have to find out about the Pittsburgh East chapter, bring that it is only 3 miles from my house.
Spent today filling a barrel with boiling water.
About to head to air port to pick up my puppy!

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I adopted a potcake, which is a mutt breed rescued from Turks & Caicos.

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Social last night, so spent the morning switching off with my husband napping. Then grocery shopping, cleaning the house, skating with the kids, visiting with my sister and her family, then dropping the kids at my parents for a sleep over. (YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!)

Good day!
busy weekend
yesterday bottled 6 gal of Sauvignon Blanc WE kit, Got 3 gal of strawberry ready to bottle and 3 gal of rhubarb ready to bottle.
Today up before 6am and off to 3rd grade BB tourny with eldest daughter. 4 games starting at 8 am. won 2 lost 2. Lots of butt time on bleachers.Its impressive to see how much better they have got in several months of practice. I always said I would never be the 1 to run to all these sporting events at such young age but she s pretty good. So my days of running will begin.
I received a bottle washing unit from Steve at All In One Wine Pump, hot damn! This unit is every bit as efficient as the All in One, I shouldn't be so surprised, but damn! I cleaned 6 cases of beer bottles and 4 cases of wine bottles in no time at all, this is not only a time saver, but a back saver as well!
I'll do 6 more cases of wine bottles tomorrow and then it is bottling time.
Steve, thanks again!
I received a bottle washing unit from Steve at All In One Wine Pump, hot damn! This unit is every bit as efficient as the All in One, I shouldn't be so surprised, but damn! I cleaned 6 cases of beer bottles and 4 cases of wine bottles in no time at all, this is not only a time saver, but a back saver as well!
I'll do 6 more cases of wine bottles tomorrow and then it is bottling time.
Steve, thanks again!

Yeah yeah yeah, I don't believe you. You know the rules!
Dead tired from the busy weekend. Went to the wine class by PIWC, then to Walkers for juice, then to Bowling Green, OH for work yesterday. It's gonna be an early bedtime to catch up on the sleep debt. I even blew off the school board meeting, which I usually grouse about paying my taxes....