Tartaric Acid?

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grape juice artisan
Supporting Member
Jul 1, 2018
Reaction score
PNW - South Sound
I completed a Chromatography test today and the results have me a little concerned. I’m not sure how to interpret the Tartaric reading on the Syrah that I started earlier this summer.

You can see from the image that the Syrah is measuring very little Tartaric Acid compared to the other samples. Should I be concerned about this? Is there some corrective measure I can perform to make the wine more balanced? Can I test TA some other way? Again, the original question - should I be concerned?

Does anyone have experience in what is uncharted territory for me?

I wouldn’t stress for several reasons.

1. It’s near the edge of the paper, where things can get wonky
2. We don’t use chromatography to measure levels of acids, only their presence, though it’s and indicator
3. If you’ve done your job, and I’m betting you have, you’ve already evaluated the pH / TA before fermentation and adjusted based on that
4. Looks like you have a pretty good lactic spot, a very mild acid, could be an early smooth wine
5. You’ll be taste testing and adjusting acid during aging, the way we’re supposed to, by taste

You can check the TA, it should be a bit lower than pre- MLF, but that won’t help your concerns, as TA doesn’t give you the levels of each acid, it includes all acids.
The concern should be “how does it taste?”

The purpose for the acid is to provide a low enough pH to manage the chemical reactions. You have finished fermentation so a lot of this is fixed already.
The problem (ie why we remove acid) is that it tastes smoother, more like a $100 bottle of wine, with less acid.
the Syrah is measuring very little Tartaric Acid . . . Should I be concerned about this?
@Johnd and @Rice_Guy - thanks for the help. I have not tasted the wine for a while. Now that MLF appears to be complete, I’m going to move to long term storage this coming weekend. I’ll give it a taste then, check levels and hit it with kmeta. The airlock still is displaying pressure so CO2 is dissipating.

lol…and, in case you’re questioning my ability to use a straight edge ruler, the line is straight. The overall image quality with a right leaning decrescendo is evidence of my inability to hold the results against the window (left hand) and take the the image (phone in right hand) - all without getting my fingers in the mix…
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i may have missed something but you should always put samples of tartaric, malic and lactic acids on your chromo paper so you can see comparison. otherwise to me it looks like everything has gone to lactic?
i may have missed something but you should always put samples of tartaric, malic and lactic acids on your chromo paper so you can see comparison. otherwise to me it looks like everything has gone to lactic?
Thanks, Rick. I stopped using the markers as it seemed redundant. Consistently, TA shows right above the wine sample, malic in the middle and lactic on top. The test shows no reportable malic acid resident in the samples. Most winemakers add a week or two before transferring to be sure.

How’s the smoke level there? I’ll be attending all Griz home games except Western Illinois as I’ll be up to my elbows in must. Let me know if you want to attend that game.
been pretty smokey all summer long and much hotter than normal. do you have tickets for Western Illinois? not sure if we'll still be here much into the fall - may be heading east.
been pretty smokey all summer long and much hotter than normal. do you have tickets for Western Illinois? not sure if we'll still be here much into the fall - may be heading east.
Yes, I have tickets as I’m a season ticket holder. I live in Washington but typically go to all the home games. My wife is a Missoula native and attended the U of M. We lived the first 28 years of our marriage in Montana.
Yes, I have tickets as I’m a season ticket holder. I live in Washington but typically go to all the home games. My wife is a Missoula native and attended the U of M. We lived the first 28 years of our marriage in Montana.
How much do you want for two tickets? where are the seats? thanks
Yes, I have tickets as I’m a season ticket holder. I live in Washington but typically go to all the home games. My wife is a Missoula native and attended the U of M. We lived the first 28 years of our marriage in Montana.
never heard back from you? all okay?
So, sorry Rick. I missed your reply. Even though I won't be there because of an active ferment, my wife decided to take her sister who lives in Missoula. So, sorry, the tix aren't available any longer.
No problem - we'll catch the game on the tube and good luck with this year's vintage