sweeten up

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1) Sulfite your wine
2) Sorbate your wine
3) Make up a simple syrup consisting of 2 parts sugar with 1 part boiling water and cool down.
4) Add this to your wine making sure you dont over sweeten!

I like to do a bench trial with a bottles worth or gallons worth of wine ubtil I find the sweetness level i like and then mutiply that by what I have not sweetened yet.
As wade said....
and sweeten,

be careful not to over sweeten - once you get to a point were you believe it needs just a twig more, STOP!

Many wines will age and flavors will then come out, some of them change quit a bit once the mellow out and if you add that little extra you may easily over do it.
The mellowing alone will act as if you added the extra sugar back in to your wine. The fun in this hobby is being able to KEEP GOOD NOTES and reproduce the same wines with subtle changes till you get what YOU like.

Have fun!
Like said it comes to the 3 "T's"
Taste as fermenting
Tasts as aging
Taste as back sweetening and before bottling
Ok so here is where I am at and I might be too early for sweeten up, I went to the beer and wine store in town and bought a loganberry fruit wine base and followed the directions, I stared on 10-11 initial S.G. 1.090, I second racked on 11-2 and then again on 11-19 the time on 11-19 I went from carboy to bucket and back to carboy I only have one of these but it doesent taste to well and my S.G. is 0.950 or worse I think my S.G. thing actually sinks so I dont know what I am doing wrong, I have a three gallon batch of concord grape going from fresh grapes I got that recipe from this site and things seem to be going good I think its a little strong at 1.020 Ive done the same things at the same time to both, havent done the potassium sorbate yet but then they are still both bubbleing a bit yet

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