Super Bowl Wine or Beer

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I'm not going to be rude about NASCAR because a) I'd get a storm of protests and b) there are somethings in the US that are worth living here for.In the UK we appear to have imported NASCAR, barbeque, decent hamburgers (as well as McD's) and Country and Western Music. So....some things are good.

There is no such thing as a decent Home Brew Specialist like George in the UK (unless he just opened one)
That's OK Pete. I'll back ya on the NASCAR. I don't like it either. Now if they raced on a Figure 8 track, I'd watch all the time. That would be interesting. You do have something in the UK I want ever so bad here though that we don't have much of, the Pub. I mean the real pub. Not a Brew Pub or a Yuppie "Authentic" Irish pub. Now I do love Brew Pubs like Appleman's nephew's place but I really love a real English and Irish Pub. Why you ask? Simple, Cask Ale aka Real Ale served from a hand pump beer engine.
No beer or wine for the game. I made chili and cookies. And while I am glad everyone seemed to have a great time and the game regardless of who won was terrific - I am even happier to get our city back to its normal crazy traffic and all the roads open once again!
VPC who lives just outside of Tampa.
That's how most Micro breweries get their start. A frustrated homebrewer... LOL !
peterCooper said:
if you wanted to call the sport Kill, or Throw the ball to the guy making too much money or even short, uninteresting bits of sport in between really good commercials then I would begin to understand.
soI know the superbowl just finished, butI'm still on cloud nine from a few weeks ago andI just can't help myself..... GOOO GATORS! (at least I disproved point #2)
uavwmn said:
vc, yummy.....chili and cookies!!! I can smell it from here!!

Family favorites, even if I did pull a fast one and used half ground turkey. The boys made nachos and a big mess they were trying to clean up during the game. Good thing they did not bother to ask me to help, I was enjoying the game and their mess with food I'm allergic to. They almost missed that touchdown that ended the half.
Beer brewing sounds like a lot of work and lots of equipment. Luckily I became allergic to beer (consumed too much?) and now I will stick to wine drinking and wine making
hannabarn said:
Beer brewing sounds like a lot of work and lots of equipment. Luckily I became allergic to beer (consumed too much?) and now I will stick to wine drinking and wine making

Not really much work or expensive equipment needed. You can make a great all grain beer with a cooler that can be converted to a mash tun for around $10.00 and a boil pot. Thats all that is really needed. Lots of beer styles can be made with less that $20.00 in ingredients for a 5 gallon batch. Extract kits use less equipment and cost in the $35.00 range give or take for a kit. No different than winemaking in regards to equipment. We can go cheap like most or go way overboard with crushers, de-stemmers, presses, stainless tanks, bottlers, filters, corkers etc. Did I need the system I am getting to make beer? Heck no. Do I go overboard? Heck yeah. LOL Seriously though. I want to be able to brew on a somewhat professional level and gain consistent repeatability in my brewing.

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