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Looks like a fun place!!! Are you in any of those pictures? It's not far for me. One weekend I will check it out!! Thank you for the link and I will have to try it. Curtis works for Spec's and they sell it there, I'll have him pick up a bottle......Ramona
Naaaaaaaa I am not in any of the pics ,but i do get a lot of bottles from there. When wife and I go there i ask them to save me some bottles , i have asbout 200 bottles on hand now.
Spring is arriving...

The geese are back...
Texas andFlorida license plates on motor homes....
Saw a moose along the woods...[see about one a year]
And...my seedlings are coming up under the lights [so far the peppers, Tomatillos, Hollyhocks, coneflowers....etc. are up]
Snow is gone...just a few piles where the snow was pushed up..

Killdeer's are back and out running through the yard....all the birds are singing happy songs...

Sunny and bright, got over 60*F today....

Cleaned out a couple more flower beds....

Life is good on de-tundra....
I just had a bunch of thunder!! It's 41degrees! The poor dog has forgotten what that is. She thinks barking at it will make it go away! Silly dawg!
I hacked into Georges server and ,,,,,,, no, just kidding! I like learning and love helping when I can.
Love having you here Wade...keep it up....
It's so much fun to learn something new everyday from each other...even the little things are so helpful and fun....
I have always thought that Wade was a huge benifit to the board, I'm glad he's here, he's a good man.

I might add, theres a lot of wonderful people here as well.
Thanks everyone, finding this forum has turned this hobby which
probably would have just been a phase, into my favorite past time
second to spending time with my family and its great with a laptop that
I can do both at the same time wirelessly. You are all great people and
friends. Thanks George for putting this forum together!
As a few people this forum would last but not be what it is today without all of you.

Darn fools are always here way too early and usually get to experience a winter storm.....

This weather we are having is way too nice for this time of the year up here on the Northern Plains...it is actually humid out there today...we know we will get more snow before spring makes it's debut....But in the meantime...enjoy it and get back out to tend the flower beds.

Also heard Sand Hill Cranes and saw Blackbirds today...Life is very good!!!!Edited by: Northern Winos
For what it is worth - northern Illinois is today sitting at a mostly sunny and lightly breezy 78 degrees right now. All 'construction' is done for the wine-making area. Sounds like a good night to start my first kit. :)

- Jim
JimCook said:
For what it is worth - northern Illinois is today sitting at a mostly sunny and lightly breezy 78 degrees right now. All 'construction' is done for the wine-making area. Sounds like a good night to start my first kit. :)

- Jim

Show us a picture of the Winemaking Area....gotta see it!!!! Photos of the wine being made always wanted too....
jobe05 said:
I have always thought that Wade was a huge benifit to the board, I'm glad he's here, he's a good man.

I might add, theres a lot of wonderful people here as well.

I totally agree with your comments Jobe05!
We want picture Jim as Ill be able to start my wine making area in the
next month finally after 5 1/2 years of water in the basement. Im
finally forking out the $6000 to have a dry basement. 3/8 will be Our
master bedroom,1/4 will be my wine making area, 1/4 my woodworking
shop, 1/8 will be my wine storage which will be insulated well from all
interior walls to and unheated to keep consistant temp as much as
$6000 to dry the basement?!
OUCH! You could have a water bed, and place dry ice too keep things cool!? That'd be cheaper!

Na! I understand completely! We are remodeling our living room after 17 years, (an old farm house). By doing the living room, we covered a door to the bedroom, which in turn makes a whole in the next room to get into the bedroom, which in turn makes three rooms in construction. Not to mention the other room where the wine is kept, has been in the remodeling era since 2000, with the wall paper torn half off, until the decision to drywall became easier, and now that we have the drywall, now we need someone to put it up or I should say the time!
Okay - the reason I put 'construction' in quotes, was I have a pretty small area to work with. First comes the picture of the new bench and utility tub area for winemaking.


Second comes the picture of the reason my basement doesn't have a lot of room to make wine. :)


You wanted them, you got them. :) Needless to say, it didn't cost $6000 to setup the wine area. The training area, on the other hand, was another story. Enjoy,

- Jim
We sort of have to as the room my soon to be 4year old son is in right
now is getting to small as his bed gets bigger. And Im tired of hearing
my wife complain about having to go down 2 flights of stairs to do the
clothes which I cant blame her.

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