So...places that make the wine kits for you...

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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2011
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A co-worker, whose wife has been going to get her wine made, gave me a bottle of her I'm not sure if it is a Cru Select or a Legacy kit...those are the two that store has...but anyways...3 months after being bottled...terrible!!

Extremely gassy...very bitter in tasting...makes my mouth curl is about all I can do to describe it ROFL!!!

Assuming it needed to sit longer but what I can't figure out is why so gassy?? You would think that they would degass properly or at least enough wouldn't you??

I know there are probably time constraints but people pay good money for this service and if I were her, I would be disappointed!!!

Has anyone else had similar experiences with on site stores?? She's on her 4 kit there so obviously the first two were better...I'm not sure if she tried this one yet...have to warn her :)

Just curious as I know people who want to try their hand at wine but not sure what to tell them!!

Well what I can tell you is when CPFAN sees this post he'll have a lot to say. He use to run a store like that up near the Falls and I an sure it was first class.
Now is your chance to be the hero and show those people how to really make kits either in your home or theirs. For what they're paying for a complete kit bottled up, I am sure they could get a new kit and most of the equipment needed.

I'm sure it was and I'm sure this store is good too but you're right to say that buying the starting gear is cheap and I did happen to mention that!!!

Besides...I even have a mini jet filter and a good floor corker for her to use...helps that I have a buddy that got out of the hobby and passed on down his stuff :)

Like I said I was just curious!!!
Hey that reminds me! I have a MM Renaissance Valpolicella that just turned 13 mo old this month and I have not even tried a split! Who hooo! :sm

Italian tonight so will be opening one for sure.