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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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Good grief! We're supposed to get 15" of snow starting late this afternoon and continuing through Friday morning!
I sooo hope they've overestimated by about 14 inches!
Then it needs to wait until December 23rd before it gets here!!!!! Santa dosen't need it until then!

We were supposed to get 3-7 inches in the next day or so, but this morning it's raining and they say maybe an inch of slushy accumulation-Yeah
I got 3" last night, not much but the nice layer of ice underneath makes it interesting.

Fly boy said:
48 degrees in Bangor, Maine today. Unbelieveable!

48 degrees??? You are still swimming in the lake right???? We are still below zero here.....

I have been in your great state a couple of times. Beautiful country, but I'll bet it gets real cold in winter!
We have had some strange weather lately! Wind chills in the 6 degrees and 30-40 with the sun shining and Saturday is expected to get in the 50's. But no snow yet! Edited by: jsmahoney
WALDO...when it snows people are busy...shoveling, sweeping...pouting.

I was wishing for snow awhile ago, wanting it to insulate the ground, add we have about 6 inches of it...It has been very cold the past 2 days...but is going to be melting tomorrow...but with the short days the melting is for just a short time.

The snow got me in the Christmas Spirit...finally got the Christmas tree up and braved frigid temperatures and got the outside little trees lit up....had to bring the electric cords indoors to soften up a bit...they were pretty stiff as it was -2 below zero FARINHIET....working on the cards and packages...and the days are ticking away....Edited by: Northern Winos
sangwitch said:
Joan, did you get your snow shoes put on the Miata?

Yep, the snowshoes are on!!!
I'm now feeling muscles I forgot I owned! hehe I think the hardest part was loosening 16 lugnuts! I swear someone put liquid cement on them!

We had about 3 inches of snow today. It's pretty slick out there. The lake effect stuff will kick in tonight I'm hoping for a snow day!
Waldo, I have been busy waxing my skis, as the majority of the ski hills will be opening any day now.

Ramona: I hope you are tanning in that weather......
We got a tease this morning with a heavy snow for about 20 minutes.