Skeeter Pee question

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Chronologically Gifted Member
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Jan 29, 2011
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Central Ohio
I have just racked my Pinot Grigio from the carboy and saved the slurry from the bottom. I am thinking of trying to make a batch of Skeeter Pee using this slurry and I have a question.

Why does one use a slurry from a previous wine batch rather than adding fresh yeast to the "must"?

The reason I am asking is that I read where it is often hard to get the batch fermenting and using a "used" batch of yeast does not seem that it would give the kick that fresh yeast would do. I would hate to waste a lot of time with the used slurry when all I needed to do was add a packet of yeast instead.

For you experienced "Pee-ers," would there be any danger in just adding yeast rather than a slurry from a previous batch? Thank you.
Grrrrrrrr, I just thought I was making a reply to your post and instead clicked the "report" button and didn't realize it until it was sent...dangit. Hopefully it won't mess up others posting until one of our Mods can straighten my screw up out.

And here is the post

I was just asking myself that same question Rocky. I've decided I'm going to make a batch of SP in spite of the name. I've bought the ingredients and will be making a trip to The Toy Store tomorrow to pick up three or four kits. I satisfied my curiosity somewhat by telling myself that using the lees from a wine imparts a bit of wine flavor that the lemon/lime juice might not otherwise have. But I don't know that for a fact. I'm glad you asked and look forward to hearing the answers you get.

moved here by Appleman
This Skeeter Pee is very acidic and due to that can be a violent atmosphere for very young yeast to try and thrive in, with a very strong and acclimated yeast slurry they are used to being in harsh environments from dealing with high abvs and a decent amount of acid already.
Geez, Wolf, that is quite an honor!

You know, you work hard, keep your nose to the grindstone and you never really know if anyone notices. And then this! It will be an inspiration to all those Newbies who have graduated to Groupie status, that hard work is its own reward. It all started in amodest home in the suburbs of Pittsburgh; Mom worked hard to raise the kids and Dad was a Tailgunner on a beer truck. But we were taught that you can be anything in this country if you are willing to work for it.

I am truly underwhelmed!
Well, I got the batch going and it looks good so far. I have to wait until Sunday to add theslurry and the last bottle of lemon juice.

Question for anyone who has made this: Have you ever made "Skeeter Pee Lite?" I was thinking of using "Splenda" instead of the final 6 cups of sugar for the final sweetening. Any thoughts on this? Seems like it should work since it is only meant to sweeten and not to ferment.
Splenda has a tendency to become gross and metallic in alcoholic solutions after about 2 to 3 months. I'd skip on the splenda unless you are going to consume it all a very fast time.

Simple answer as to why use a slurry:

1 packet of fresh yeast = 100 million cells
1 pail of left over slurry = 1 million trillion cells!!!

Kind of like starting a fire with a match or a starting a fire with gasoline and a tiger torch!
Thanks for the information Dean. I think I will pass on the Splenda. I was looking for a way to reduce the number of calories in this stuff. It was just a thought.
I stirred it up today and added the slurry (from a batch of Pinot Grigio) and used my power drill stirrer to really whip it up. I have it at about 75 degree F so I should see some action in a day or two.
Make some fruit wine and use that slurry. I just add the slurry to pre-made lemonade, the SG starts out at 1050 and I don't bump it up. Ends up a nice light summer drink. Usually starts fermenting with in a couple of hours.
This morning the SG was just a shade above 1.070with no real sign of fermentation as yet. I whipped it really well with my electric drill and stirrer attachment. I expect something to start by the EOD tomorrow. If it does not start, is there any harm in adding a packet of fresh yeast? I would appreciate the view of the experienced "Pee-ers" out there. Thanks.
Another packet will never hurt but Id give it til tomorrow and make a starter.
This Skeeter Pee is making me crazy! I added a packet of yeast late yesterday and this morning there was the start of fermentation. I stirred the wine and took the temperture (84 degrees F) and the SG (1.080!) How could the SG have gone up? If I correct for the temperature differential between 68 and 84 degreesF, the actual SG would be 1.083. What is going on here? All you experienced Pee-ers, HELP!
The only way it could go up is if you didnt stir it up good enough to begin with. You either didnt dissolve the sugar well enough or didnt stir the must up good enough when adding everything in the bucket. Do you have as drill mounted stirrer? If not I highly recommend one for this purpose and also fro degassing.
Hi Wade,
Yes I do have the power drill stirrer attachment and I have used it at least 4 times on this batch. I dissolves the sugar on the range, per instructions, and it appeared to have all dissolved. It seems to be going very well now. I will need to add another bottle of lemon juice when the SG gets to 1.050 plus some yeast energizer. It seems to taste good, so we will see. Thanks for your help.

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