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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Had been worried about fruit flies hanging around the kitchen.....Always felt the spigot was and invitation for dirt, cat hair and the likes....

So, had been covering the spigot with a small plastic bag....found a finger cut off a surgical glove looks much neater....tho kind of like a condom...

But it works...

I take a little pce. of paper towel and wet it with meta bisulfite and stick it inside.
I only use my spigot for bottling so I don't worry too much about it during fermentation. I figure as long as the spigot is closed, nothing can get into my must. May be due an education here though.
Great ideas! Thanks for posting them. I know the fruit flies were horrible around here until this past week. (A screaming cold NW wind killed everything in the insect world.)
Waldo, I'm not worried about them getting into the must, just getting
into the spigot with their nasty selves and maybe laying eggs as some
do ever so slightly leak, sometimes not enough to drip out but just sit
in their in a tiny droplet.
And when you hook up the sanitized hose to drain the bucket....who knows what comes out frist.... ¿</font>...A fruit hair... ¿</font>
I needed a bottle brush to wash up my canning jars....Bought this one at WalMart in the infant is for washing baby bottles....hidden in the handle is probably a nipple brush...Great for washing out the spigots on your primary/bottling buckets.....

Northern: Great idea, I have always wondered what might be in the spigot. Glad to see you are practicing safe wine
Hey wino of the north

I just was browsing and saw your reference this this thread
A friend bought me one of those last year because i was squacking about how I wanted one but wouldnt spend the price.
I bought a 12000 dollar motorcycle for cas about the same time though.
What im getting to is that i never knew about the little brush in the handle. I just checked and wow. There's a little brush in the handle

Belated thanks

Northern Winos said:
I needed a bottle brush to wash up my canning jars....Bought this one at WalMart in the infant is for washing baby bottles....hidden in the handle is probably a nipple brush...Great for washing out the spigots on your primary/bottling buckets.....

Edited by: scotty

The spigot has been a concern of mine for a while! Thanks for a great tip. I'll use this!
I put two Italian spigots in about 3 weeks ago and I wish I did it
along time ago. AWESOME. I bought the ones that spin so when its noy
hanging over the edge you just turn it and put it where ever you want.
Some of the others you have to mount very high and then you really have
to tip it to get out all your wine.
Edited by: wadewade
bmorosco said:
Do alot of you use spigots in your primary?

Have spigots in the buckets, use them for primaries and for bottling...just got to tip them to get the last of it great.