RK Surgery

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Just out of curiousity, does the doubble vision happen before or after your daily libation? You haven't been making Apple Jack have you?
Seriously Pirate hope you heal up well. ARRRRRRRRRR
Actually I have not been drinking because of the antibiotic drops 3 times a day (for the next 3 weeks). I am having longer periods of time now without double vision now. My right needs to be done too though it is not as bad as my left eye. And now I know what to expect next time around. Right now I have to sit with my face close to the computer to see. If I enlarge the font, I have to scroll across the page to read and that is a real pain.
Thanks for asking.
any change to the good yet? I keep thinking of how you're doing.

The eyes are supposed to heal quickly, so I'm hoping that yours are coming around.
The RK insicions never heal, just the nature of that surgery. This past week my vision was 20/30 so that is good but the right eye went from 20/40 to 20/50. I have to go back in 2 weeks for another eye exam.
I used to have my cornea split when I was sleeping (or when I was sleeping I would open my eyes and push them across the fabric of the pillow). My eye doctor would numb me up and take a brush and do an abrading of the cornea to get rid of the weak scare tissue and let the eye heal itself by producing good tissue. I haven't had any problems in 4 years since.
The 2/50 is my corrected vision with glasses and I have a cataract there too.
go get the lens replacement surgery to get rid of the cataract. 5 Minutes in and out. Wished I had done this 20 years ago.
I did have the left eye surgery on March 6th. What a pain, 3 eye drops 3 times a day for 4 weeks! That is how my left eye has 20/30 now instead of 20/400.