RJ Spagnols rinsing after sanitizing

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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2008
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I am reading the instructions for my winery series old vine zin and it says that rinsing your equipment after sanitizing is as important as sanitizing. From what I have read I got the impression that you were taking a chance of reintroducing bad things if you rinse after sanitizing something, therefore, I have never rinsed the K-meta of any equipment or carboy. Any thoughts one way or the other? Thanks, Ron.
Ron, it seems to me that rinsing after sanitizing would be undoing what you just did. Not that water is bad but the two have two different purposes, that's just my thought
My opinion (not factual knowledge) is those instreuction are left over from the old days. Based on what I pick up from reading on line some folks used to use some nasty stuff for cleaning and sanitizing. So it may be a matter of cover the kit warranty for bad taste. Based on what I have read over the last year no one making wine reccomends rinsing cleaners such as one-step or versions of oxy-clean OR K-Meta.
I always rinse - but that's not saying much as I'm only 1 kit in.
I have been using 1 step and even though it says you don't rinse, it seems to have a 'bleachy" smell/taste. I figure if that I added my water to the kit in the beginning stages - what harm could it do in the later?
Might be the wrong approach but still think one step has a weird smell/taste.
I use K-meta exclusively for sanitizing. I never rinse.
I don't rinse, but I do drain well (and shake to encourage draining).

When I read a topic like this, I always recall the occasional post that I have seen, that starts something like"I forgot to drain the sanitizer out of my carboy".

I clean with Oxyclean or B-Brite and rinse well. I sanitize with Star San. No rinse on the Star San. Don't fear the foam.
Pablo said:
I clean with Oxyclean or B-Brite and rinse well. I sanitize with Star San. No rinse on the Star San. Don't fear the foam.

I use star san as well and have learned not to fear the foam!
OK...still on my first kit here and have just been using the b-brite that came with the starter package. I see that some of you are saying that you clean with oxyclean...I assume this works just as well (or you wouldn't use it) is there a certain type (spray/powder etc) that I should get? Having somehting with a little longer shelf life would be great so that I don't have to pitch so much cleanser.

a k meta solution in a spray bottle will remain useful for quite a while...always at the ready

and there is no need to rinse after sanitizing when using this
Al Fulchino said:
a k meta solution in a spray bottle will remain useful for quite a while...always at the ready

and there is no need to rinse after sanitizing when using this

I agree. Just spray, wait, shake. You can spray in tubes, in hoses, on spoons, on and in wine thieves, on and in racking canes, fill air locks, spray on stoppers, spray in bottles, etc. My spray bottle gets a workout almost every day.
the most difficult issue is the hoses....they are hard to get dry......so often need to be hung..i have even put a fan next to one end...ultimately you do have to run some k meta thru them both after and before using the next time
I agree. I spray in both ends, hold the hose in a "U" and then lift one end then the other while holding my thumb over the other end. That seems to be working.
Melissa said:
I see that some of you are saying that you clean with oxyclean...I assume this works just as well (or you wouldn't use it) is there a certain type (spray/powder etc) that I should get?

You have to use the OxiClean free version. It should not have any blue specs. I buy a pail of powder from Walmart. Make sure to rinse very well. Sanitize as normal after that.
peaches9324 said:
good idea! I have an empty spray bottle just waiting for a good use!

Be sure to label the bottle just to be safe.
I have a corkidore for my corks and I also keep my clean hoses in here. The bottle is full of k-meta and the fumes keep everything sanitized including the hoses. Just be carefull to keep your nose away from the lid when opening the bucket. I have switched to a glass jug from the plastic one.

