Red Juice Primary Fermentation: Open or Closed Vessel?

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Senior Member
Oct 12, 2017
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Hey everyone,

Been trying to research the answer, but keep finding conflicting opinions on whether or not to conduct fermentation in an open or closed vessel. I know that for fresh grapes that primary fermentation is done in an open vat, but how about when dealing with fresh juice? I want to do a small batch of Montepulciano juice this season because I can't get the fresh grapes.

I am pretty sure it is also done in an open vat as well, but wanted to see what my fellow winemakers are doing.

We used to ferment these right in the buckets they come in. Just stirred it up and added yeast. With the lid just resting loose on top.
And if adding grapes or skins or combining buckets we just dumped into a bigger vessel with the same mindset.
Could I ask another thing? Isn't the first fermentation supposed to really bubble and be active? I have a lid losely on top if a plastic bucket.
Could I ask another thing? Isn't the first fermentation supposed to really bubble and be active? I have a lid losely on top if a plastic bucket.

Yea but just juice isn’t foamy enough to overflow 9/10x. Plus it’s easier without transferring the heavy juice bucket into a new sanitized container.
Just don’t keep it on nice carpet in case you got a live one. [emoji6]
Is that a shot being fired across my bow???

Lol. Nah man. As far as I can tell you’re pretty anal and not a drop of wine has hit that carpet. But not all are quite as meticulous. Was simply a recommendation.
And if your gonna fill her house up with fruit flies- staining the carpet would just be salt in the wound. Concrete slab in the basement is my domain.
Actually pumping out some wine as I write this. Finally starting to become a smooth operation. No more fumbling with unfamiliar equipment. IMG_6557.JPG
lol, I had a bottle of beer blow up and a bottle of wine throw a cork and wine geyser across my livingroom carpet. needless to say i about got disowned for it.

And of course that HAD to be a bottle RED wine not White Wine that geysered right?
Smalls stuff, but that's why I always think about what shirt I'm wearing when I go to work in my wine 'cellar' Nothing ever splashes or spills when I'm working with a light colored wine. ONLY with Blueberry, Blackberry or Cherry
Lol. Nah man. As far as I can tell you’re pretty anal and not a drop of wine has hit that carpet. But not all are quite as meticulous. Was simply a recommendation.
And if your gonna fill her house up with fruit flies- staining the carpet would just be salt in the wound. Concrete slab in the basement is my domain.
Actually pumping out some wine as I write this. Finally starting to become a smooth operation. No more fumbling with unfamiliar equipment. View attachment 51156
So your saying at least your familiar with what your fumbling with ? Lol
When things go too smooth i start to worry.
I'll let my guard down and something will spill or fly
So your saying at least your familiar with what your fumbling with ? Lol
When things go too smooth i start to worry.
I'll let my guard down and something will spill or fly

Winemaking has tendency to do that doesn’t it.
In terms of the process and working all the equipment tho- finding a comfortable routine after a handful of batches just allows me to focus more on the countless other troubleshoots. And this one already has had plenty!
And of course that HAD to be a bottle RED wine not White Wine that geysered right?
Smalls stuff, but that's why I always think about what shirt I'm wearing when I go to work in my wine 'cellar' Nothing ever splashes or spills when I'm working with a light colored wine. ONLY with Blueberry, Blackberry or Cherry
Yep. it literally spat wine out for like 10 seconds in a bit fountain was the craziest thing i have ever witnessed i was sitting in the living room reading a book and all of a sudden BANG lol.

My carpeted living room runs into my bar which has tile floor, where wine is stored but needless to say it didnt help.
And Now - Back to our OP Question.

Red Juice - Ferment Open or Closed. I am assuming by "Open" you mean a cloth cover or loose lid vs Closed - With an airlock correct?
And Now - Back to our OP Question.

Red Juice - Ferment Open or Closed. I am assuming by "Open" you mean a cloth cover or loose lid vs Closed - With an airlock correct?

Yes, open with a cloth cover or closed with an airlock.