Rebottle or Not??

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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2010
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I bottled my first ever mead, a JAOM, a few weeks ago. The only area where I strayed from the instructions was in filtering the racking cane. I used a piece of very fine mesh straining bag rather than cloth. As a result, I picked up some fine, whiteish looking sediment. Should I open my bottled mead, strain the crud out of it and rebottle, or just leave it alone and drink it as is?

I bottled my first ever mead, a JAOM, a few weeks ago. The only area where I strayed from the instructions was in filtering the racking cane. I used a piece of very fine mesh straining bag rather than cloth. As a result, I picked up some fine, whiteish looking sediment. Should I open my bottled mead, strain the crud out of it and rebottle, or just leave it alone and drink it as is?

JAO is a bugger to rack/syphon because bread yeast doesn't settle/flocculate very well, so you often pick up some of the lees (either from the actual yeast layer or it does cling like hell to the larger pieces of fruit as well).

So, the best answer is to use a filter i.e. something like this or if that sort of thing is too much (not making enough wines/meads etc) then you could go for a coffee filter/drip cone (cheap plastic "over the cup" type thing), which usually works, if a little slowly........



p.s. Oh and in the past I've actually used a funnel and about 8 layers of muslin, all folded so to take up the whole of the funnel area (having remembered before hand, to rinse the whole cloth in sanitising solution before folding). Again, it's a "quick and dirty" solution but it worked for me.......
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Thank you for your reply. I suppose my main concern was the with the JAOM developing any off tastes due to the sediment. Not sure what a bread yeast will do to the flavor. I don't mind a little stuff floating around, as long as it doesn't impart any bad flavors.

And you are spot on about the really nasty looking growth that develops on the fruit.

Youll be fine, Next time keep the racking cane above the bottom until the very last second and this way youll only get that in the last bottle or 2. I have that filter and it works great but slow. About 45 minutes usually for a 6 gallon batch.
Thanks guys. I think I will just leave it alone and drink it as is. I wasn't looking forward to filtering and bottling all over again. I'll just be more careful next time, which should be in about 3 weeks.

Thanks again,