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Senior Member
Dec 1, 2007
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What do you think about racking into another carboy after about a week of stabilization and clearing? This would eliminate most of the lees and make for clearer bottling!
Most fining agents don't work fast enough for the wine to be clear enough in a week for bottling (I wait at least 3 weeks). Racking to another carboy or primary for bottling once the wine is clear is needed to prevent issues with the lees. Edited by: masta
Thanks, Masta. I was thinking of racking into another carboy and then waiting another 2 weeks before bottling. Is this a good idea or should I wait for three weeks and then rack
Are you making a kit wine or ? It depends what you are trying to acomplish. I have been leaving my wine in the secondary for 30 days on the fine lees, as some yeast adds more flavor than others.
It is a Vintners Reserve Kit (chianti). It is so dark you can't hardly see the lees. I'm just trying to see if I can bottle it without getting the lees!
I rack our wines, let them settle out, rack again and never bottle till there are no signs of seddiment...I make fruit wines with grape bases...so they are not kits....but think racking and letting settle again would be good for any wines.
More Tips: A gentle rocking of the carboy after fining helps knock the fine lees off the sides and helps settle the lees. The added time also helps the lees settle so they are not so thick when you get ready to rack before bottling.

Isn't there a point where the extra time on the lees may cause problems?
Yeah, time is the hard part! I'm getting more patience tho. I think I'll leave it on the lees for while longer and then rack and wait some more.
bj4271 said:

Isn't there a point where the extra time on the lees may cause problems?

Yes this is true since extended time of wine on the lees could result in the breakdown of yeast cells (autolysis) causing Hydrogen Sulfide issues. From my experience this doesn't happen in 30 days in a secondary. Reducing the amount of lees especially gross lees from the primary will help prevent this with extended time between racking.
I would leave them in for the 3 weeks as it will help compact the lees so they wont be fluffy and they wont be so easily stirred up when racking. Another tip is to tilt your carboy using a wedge so that when you go to rack off the lees, they will all be on one side. I do this 2 days before racking. If this is a kit where you have transferred the lees over from primary bucket then dont wait to much longer, if this is not the lees from primary then it is not as detrimental and could actually add to mouthfeel and complexity of the wine. Aging wine on the lees this way is called Surlees.
Thanks Wade. This is lees racked from the primary so I will rack after 3 weeks. I use a wedge but I never thought of tilting it 2 days before. Makes sense. I just checked the SG and it is 1.000. That seems a little dry, What do you think? I don't know if I could do anything about it anyway!! This is chianti.
I agree with all the above,racking is a timing issue and it also has some play in it,being patient,is the key,kits do get handled a little different but in the end timing and knowing when to leave it alone is a matter of patients and learnning curve,pure fruit wines are another issue just like the difference between making wine from grapes as to fresh juice ,raking I believe has slite differences also and timing
my day starts around 3:30 am,ends around 8:30 pm most of the time,leaves litte time for almost nothing else,except on the week ends,and I make up for it in what ever I do,the wine is going all year long so there's always work to be done in the wine cellar,always,hows your time?

I think SG of 1.000 is a little high for a Chianti but haven't made that kit. What do the rest of you think about that?
That's about what my day was when I was working. I sometimes drove about 70 miles to work so that makes a long day. Now retired so my days can be as long or as short as I want them. That makes it harder to have patience for wine making! I keep checking andcan't see much progress!!That's why I like this forum. It gives me encouragement!!
The SG might be slightly higher because I added a little simple syrup when I stabilized it! Not much, just enough to take the edge off. My wife doesn't care for real dry wine and I like the taste of chianti so I'm trying to hit a happy medium!!
kits might be a faster way to go I'am 59 don"t want to waite 5 years to taste something I made in september,you know what I'am saying
Hannabarn....I thought you were a lady...sorry about that.

joeswine...I'm 62...I got nothing but time baby.....oops...
....now you all know.