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Jun 28, 2011
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Why not store wine on a concrete floor in basement? I read this many places but no reason why. Just curious.
Possibly because glass carboys can crack too easy on a cement floor....????
Concrete is very unforgiving when it comes to wine. Whether it be just a bottle or a full carboy. Accidents can and will happen. Its just a matter of time....
It isn't ruined if you are willing to drink it off the floor. :ib
if you haven't slipped with a carboy, you just have not made enough wine yet
MadMike is right. I won't even own a carboy without one of those red handles on them and rubber mats on the floor. Believe me I do own a few carboys and safety is a huge issue.
Concrete can suck heat out of items as the temperature changes. Plus just a small amount of moving can cause the carboy to crack or scratch. No matter how careful you lower the carboy against the concrete it is going to tap hard. Small amount of tapping on a hard floor with a full carboy can be disasterous and very sad.