Price For Muscadine

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May 17, 2013
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Price For Muscadine/Muscadine Recipe

What is a fair price to pay for a gallon of muscadine grapes?
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If you are in Los Angeles you will pay a pretty big premium. In Lower Alabama, you should get them at a farmers market for about $1.50 a pound or if you pick your own, $1 a pound.
If you are in Los Angeles you will pay a pretty big premium. In Lower Alabama, you should get them at a farmers market for about $1.50 a pound or if you pick your own, $1 a pound.

Not Los Angeles, Louisiana, olusteebus.
Ok. I don't want anyone trying to charge me an unfair price. Although they can charge what they want for their muscadine, I don't want to pay an outrageous price for muscadine. Thanks for the information.
TN/AL prices about the same! A gallon of grapes only without stems costs me $6 u-pick at my favorite TN place. Weigh it and it is about 6 pounds. Most vineyards are $1 to $1.50 a pound as olusteebus said.
A guy contacted me and I offered $1.00 per lb and I pick. He seemed to think that he should charge more, so he was going to check around for prices. I told him ok but I wasn't going to pay more than $1.00 per lb since I would be picking them.
Awesome!!! You are too kind to take the time to look for that and post the link. Awwwwww. That's nice of you. Thank you so much!

where in Louisiana are you? I might be able to help you out with some of my muscadines if I have any I do not need.
I live in Opelousas Louisiana. I have a coworker who is from Vacherie. I know where that is. Please let me know if you have any extra. I would appreciate that. Thank you
my red muscadines should be ready in 2 weeks. Send me a PM so I remember this conversation.
I didn't realize that there are different types of muscadine. What is the best type of muscadine to make wine with?
Now that being said I make my white muscadine wine with Sweet Jenny, Pam and Pineapple varities. They are not highly rated for wine but do make good wine. The varities rated highly for wine are ones that are sweet and have the correct acid levels at maturity so that not much needs to be done to the juice. Most people dilute muscadine juice down with water (left over from using the really high acid wild fruit). If you do this you just need to correct the acid level of the batch. With muscadines you can get away with using as little as 1 gallon of juice per 5 gallon batch. I like around 3 gallons juice diluted with water to make 5gal. Everbody does it differently.
Now that being said I make my white muscadine wine with Sweet Jenny, Pam and Pineapple varities. They are not highly rated for wine but do make good wine. The varities rated highly for wine are ones that are sweet and have the correct acid levels at maturity so that not much needs to be done to the juice. Most people dilute muscadine juice down with water (left over from using the really high acid wild fruit). If you do this you just need to correct the acid level of the batch. With muscadines you can get away with using as little as 1 gallon of juice per 5 gallon batch. I like around 3 gallons juice diluted with water to make 5gal. Everbody does it differently.

Is there a particular recipe that you like?
toddrod is THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!! He sent me 12 gallons of muscadine. I am speechless. I am so happy that I could cry. Thank you so very much for your generosity. I can't wait to get started on my muscadine wine. When it's done, I will send you a bottle so that you can critique it. Now it won't be as good as any of your wines because I'm still learning, so don't be too hard on me if it doesn't taste good.

Thanks again toddrod!!!!!!!!!
toddrod, I will be using your muscadine recipe when I make my muscadine wine. I was wondering if you can tell me how many packs of yeast to per 5 gallon bucket? And I will be using the bread yeast (country recipe) like the friend that you mentioned in the post. How many packs of breast yeast will I put in using the 5 gallon buckets? And should I use the 12 lbs or 15lbs of sugar when using the bread yeast? Sorry for all of the questions but I want to make sure that I do it the right way and I know that yours is because you have made it before and these are your muscadines, so you know what you're talking about and I like the country recipe idea.

How many bottles of muscadine wine should I expect to bottle per each 5 gallon bucket?
