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I had to laugh at this one. Wife and I honeymooned in Belize - first half up in the mountains/jungle. I'm very much an early bird, my wife very much not. On day one, I woke up early and decided to go on a hike while I waited for her to arise. As suggested, I checked in with the front desk (lots of Jaguars in the area) and went on my way to march a few miles down to a waterfall we'd been told about. While I did see several jaguar prints, no large cats were encountered. But on my way back, I stepped into a small (probably 2-3x the diameter of my leg) patch of what I can only imagine was quicksand of some sort. Fortunately, it was only one foot in it, but I immediately sank in up to my knee. It was quite a surprise, and between that and the cats, I can see why the front desk wanted you to check in before wandering off. Be careful out there, @vinny