Not carbonating?

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Junior Member
Aug 19, 2012
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Just bottled my first batch of beer a couple days ago. But there is no clouding up of the beer to indicate that the fermentation has started to carbonate the beer. I added Coopers carbonation tablets at the rate it said to.

The beer is a Coopers Canadian Blonde and I followed the directions on the kit.

My question is could I wait a couple more days and if there are no signs that there is fermentation going on, could I put a few pieces of yeast into each bottle to get it to get moving?


P.S. Yes, the beer is at room temp, so it should ferment just fine.
Didn't you cap this already? You need to just wait, I am not sure why you think it needs to cloud up to know if it is carbonating or not. I know your first and you are anxious, just be patient. If you followed the directions you will be fine.

Not sure how long the instructions say to wait, but it won't be decently carbonated till 10-14 days or longer.

Ok, that's great to know. I was expecting it to cloud up based on the videos on youtube. Most of them say the beer will likely cloud up when first bottled due to the restart of fermentation.

Glad to see this is normal. Can't wait to try this beer out. It tasted great even though it is flat and warm. :d
it's normal completely, plus with the carbonation tabs, they take a bit longer to "melt" and get into the liquid... don't be too surprised if you open it at day 14 and you only hear a small "pssssst"... general rule is 2 weeks in the bottles though. but longer isn't abnormal.

Good luck!