No more drinking for me

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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2005
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My blood pressure has been too high,
was really bad at the hospital yesterday, so I came home and Googled
"blood pressure alcohol" it apears from the results that I have to stop
drinking my fermented barley juice...
Frank, I also have the blood pressure issue and take a lot of
drugs right now for it. You have to take control and get it down
there because, although I think a lot of the medical warnings are bull
sh*t, you must monitor your blood pressure and get it down. The
potential result of high blood pressure is horrible. You are waaayyy
too cool to let it cripple your life and life style. It can
really mess you up fast if you let it go!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I agree with Sally and also take meds to help keep mine down and stopping drinking is not the solution. Life is to stressful and you work way to hard to not enjoy the pleasure of having a few drinks in moderation.

Reducing your sodium intake will have just as much if not more impact.
Ditto here,

The best solution I found for high blood pressure is simple walking. The more I can walk, the lower it gets. I was on 100 mg Atenolol and a water pill. I lost some weight and added walking. While I had enough time to walk 5 miles a day, I stopped all medication, because it was down to 100 over 55 and I started getting light-headed. I can only walk a couple miles a day now(because of time), but had to go back to 25 mg Atenolol alone. This seems to be a good compromise for me.

I still enjoy aglass or twoof wine now and again(Right now and then again when the first is done). The other health benefits from a good red wineare worth it.
My blood pressure has been too high, was really bad at the hospital yesterday, so I came home and Googled "blood pressure alcohol" it apears from the results that I have to stop drinking my fermented barley juice...


I can elevate and decrease my blood pressure just by adjusting my mood. My blood pressure is always higher when I've been kept waiting for a long time to get in to see the doctor vs when I've gotten in at the time of the appointment. Imagine, you cut your hand and had to hussle to the hospital and your blood pressure was high?
How DOES that happen? Try getting your blood pressure reading taken when you're in a good mood, not all stressed out. There COULD be a big difference!

We're rooting for you! And try a little red wine!
Frank, as a newbie (in spite of what it says up there in the left hand corner) I thoroughly enjoy your posts and your lifestyle. Your "AAAStinkie is HERE" topic is one that I turn to first!
It makes me wish I'd taken up wine-making when I lived for 5 years in a 20'x24' log cabin on the banks of the Yukon in the early 80's!

So, take care of the problem, consider all the healthful benefits (anti-oxidants and such) of wine,and remember, "stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards. Maybe it's time to makesome dessert wine!
I agree with everyone here and the walking reference above by oil and
water is really valid. I went through the whole cardiac rehab
program last year and was required to walk and do other weight bearing
exercise in the rehab clinic 5 times a week until I was released (8
weeks!). In the program you are wired with an EKG and all the other
bells and whistles every second while there. My BP would drop
12-20 pts after 20 minutes on the treadmill. It opens your
vessels and allows the blood to flow more freely and thus reduces the
stress on your heart. I was very physically active (down hill
skiing, training horses, swimming, sailing, curves and weight training)
but nothing I did provided the cardiac workout that I apparently
required. Drinking wine is a very important part of my life style
and I didn't want to stopl Both my cardiologist and vascular
surgeon are in favor of my red wine consumption. Drugs are indeed
necessary...and moderation is unfortunatey required, but the other
changes you can make in life style alone can save your life. Do
it! You are way too cool and I would miss your exploits too much
for you to get depressed about all of this and drop out of sight.
Keep posting and realize you have a lot of friends who care about you.
Your friend Sally :)
Hi Frank,

Just a quick note, and don't fret about your BP right now.

3x a high reading is cause for alarm, usually.

You are slim, which is a good thing. Check the side-effects of any other medications you may be taking. There might be medication side-effects that could cause a rise in BP.

I believe (what I know and have read from your posts) that it might be a combination of that and the food you eat. Cut down your salt intake and try some relaxation techniques. Also, you seem quite active, yet a good cardio (yet ease into it, and please ask your doctor before doing so) routine may help.
