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ooops!! Hello all!

Well it is Saturday and I ususally sit down to see what I can come up with for a new label. I have them all saved and can change them any way I want. There is room for improvement in all of them but fun to do. May or may not use any of them.

Edited by: rgecaprock
Very cool label. I like it. I played with it a bit and here are the results.

Hi Waldo,

It would be fun to drink the Syrah with your rendition of the labels under a black light.
Here is another one....the picture of the wine glass is one that I took. If use this one, I'll get black capsules.

Edited by: rgecaprock
A hold over from my Hippie days I gues hehehehe. I have about decided to use just one label for all of my wines and just change the description on the type of wine each time. Here is the label i am working on.

Very nice, Waldo. What do you use to make your labels? I think you are right. It would be easier just to have one label for all. For me making the labels is as addictive as making the wine.

I use a combination of Print Shop and Adobe Photo. I too enjoy making the labels, or any type graphic for that matter.
This is for George.

It isn't a label...more of postcard I guess. I took the picture then decided I needed to do something with it. Hope you like it!!
Edited by: rgecaprock
Very nice! I am way impressed!

I like the original label with the woman picking grapes, above^.


Thanks for the label. I am sorry I did not see it sooner. It will be a wonderful addition to my custom labels. Can you email me just the background?
What an awesome collection of wine art in labels. I had to run out and pick up Printshop 20, and of course I am lost. Is there a wine labels category? If this has been discussed earlier and I missed it I apologize.
Hi Bottleshock,

I use Printshop Essentials that came with my windows xp...there is no heading for "Wine Labels". I usually use the heading for labels in general and you can pick the sizes you want to use then add all the colors and graphics and text that you want...or add your own photos or artwork.....Is Printshop 20 a new version? I would like to get an update.

Give me the dimensions you would like to have your wine labels, and I can set up a template in Word for you and for the forum.