new from North Jersey.

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Sep 15, 2010
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Hi, name is Diego, I'm from North Bergen, have never made a wine before but have been dieing to. Bought a kit recently, both hardware and ingredients, hopefully I'll be getting the ball rolling this week. I'd love to get my hands on a bunch of carboys so I can have 100s of gallons at one time haha :)
Corrado's is in your area I'm sure he can fill that order
Corrado's is in your area I'm sure he can fill that order

I've been meaning to take the ride out to Clifton, working two jobs right now isn't helping. I'll probably get out there this week.
Welcome, Toms basement and living room has hundreds of carboys already full for you! Hehehe, glad to have you aboard. Which kit did you get.
welcome diego! i've had good luck on ebay and craig's list. it's a hit and miss, but i've gotten a few carboys that way!
Welcome, Toms basement and living room has hundreds of carboys already full for you! Hehehe, glad to have you aboard. Which kit did you get.

To start with I purchased a 'Vino Italiano' Riesling kit, I won't say how much I paid for it because I am kicking myself in the face for not browsing before buying. It was an impulse buy :(

welcome diego! i've had good luck on ebay and craig's list. it's a hit and miss, but i've gotten a few carboys that way!

I am in contact with someone on CL as we speak, has 30 5 gallon glass water bottles, but he told me to contact him next week because someone wants to buy all 30!! 19 dollars a piece, I'll keep you guys updated if anyone is interested in getting some.